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Safe Sex 101, 2nd Edition
Safe Sex 101, 2nd Edition
Becoming sexually involved with another person is a big step in your life. It’s something to think about on your own long before you have to make a decision with anyone, even the partner you love deeply. It is probably one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. Sixty-seven percent of sexually experienced teens say they wish they had waited longer before having sexual intercourse. Through case studies and information from experts, Safe Sex 101 provides the overview teens need to understand abstinence, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and unplanned pregnancies, and how these can affect their lives.
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Stress 101, 2nd Edition
Stress 101, 2nd Edition
Tests, rules, team tryouts, dating, injuries, illnesses, bullies—stress is with young adults every day. This highly readable book looks at the causes and consequences of stress, covering topics such as the health effects of stress, stresses specifically faced by teens, and practical advice on how to manage stress.
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Henry Sharp (c. 1737-1800) of Sussex County, New Jersey and Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and His Wife Lydia Morgan, and Some of Their Descendants, Including Chalfant, Depuy, Silverthorn, and Wheatley Families
Henry Sharp (c. 1737-1800) of Sussex County, New Jersey and Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and His Wife Lydia Morgan, and Some of Their Descendants, Including Chalfant, Depuy, Silverthorn, and Wheatley Families
Henry Sharp (ca. 1737-1800) was born probably in New Jersey. He died in Franklin Twp., Fayette Co., Pa. He married twice. He married his second wife, Lydia Morgan (1748-1820), ca. 1766. They had ten children. Family moved from New Jersey to Pennsylvania ca. 1795. Descendants live in New Jersey, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois and elsewhere.
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Methods for Testing and Evaluating Survey Questionnaires
Methods for Testing and Evaluating Survey Questionnaires
The definitive resource for survey questionnaire testing and evaluation Over the past two decades, methods for the development, evaluation, and testing of survey questionnaires have undergone radical change. Research has now begun to identify the strengths and weaknesses of various testing and evaluation methods, as well as to estimate the methods’ reliability and validity. Expanding and adding to the research presented at the International Conference on Questionnaire Development, Evaluation and Testing Methods, this title presents the most up-to-date knowledge in this burgeoning field. The only book dedicated to the evaluation and testing of survey questionnaires, this practical reference work brings together the expertise of over fifty leading, international researchers from a broad range of fields. The volume is divided into seven sections: Cognitive interviews Mode of administration Supplements to conventional pretests Special populations Experiments Multi-method applications Statistical modeling Comprehensive and carefully edited, this groundbreaking text offers researchers a solid foundation in the latest developments in testing and evaluating survey questionnaires, as well as a thorough introduction to emerging techniques and technologies.
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Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Adults
Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Adults
Fully revised to re flect the latest AOTA standards, Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Adults: A Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition is a quick, comprehensive reference to guide students and practitioners as they perform efficient evaluations of adults, identify problems, and plan and implement interventions to produce optimal therapeutic outcomes. Clinical examples illustrate the application of content, illustrations demonstrate assessment techniques, and extensive tables capture information in an easy-to-read manner. This completely revised and updated Second Edition covers a wide range of new assessments and tools for community-based practitioners, includes up-to-coverage of assessing clients in natural settings, and offers a strong focus on helping readers develop practical skills for the workplace.
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Jarvis's Physical Examination and Health Assessment
Jarvis's Physical Examination and Health Assessment
The second edition of the leading Australian text Jarvis’s Physical Examination and Health Assessment has been carefully revised and updated to reflect current skills critical to the practice of registered nurses in an Australian and New Zealand context. Jarvis’s Physical Examination and Health Assessment incorporates the most up-to-date research data, clinical practice, policies and procedures. Authors Helen Forbes and Elizabeth Watt skillfully embed prominent nursing concepts throughout including; patient-centered care, cultural and social considerations, health promotion and disease prevention, as well as the individual across the lifespan. Jarvis’s Physical Examination and Health Assessment is the ideal tool for undergraduate nursing students, registered nurses and experienced practitioners wishing to develop and refine their health assessment skills. Comprehensively addresses approaches to the context of health assessment in nursing, key functional areas of health assessment and assessment tools and techniques Spelling, terminology, measurements, cultural and social considerations, clinical procedures and best practice updated to reflect the most recent Australian and New Zealand guidelines and protocols Summary checklists for all nursing and health professional examination techniques Part of a comprehensive and revised learning package including Pocket Companion Jarvis’s Physical Examination & Health Assessment 2e and Student Laboratory Manual Jarvis’s Physical Examination & Health Assessment 2e Revised Table of Contents - increased focus on relevance of the health assessment areas to the functional status of the person Common laboratory studies (including normal values) added to objective data tables where relevant New chapter on focused assessment integrating clinical decision-making and clinical reasoning New chapter on substance abuse assessment New chapter on the complete health assessment - outlines the application of various frameworks for health assessment (head to toe, body systems, functional) Clearly identified health assessment skills for beginning and advanced nursing practice Revised online learning and teaching resources available on evolve Revised clinical case studies which illustrate documentation and critical thinking related to the chapter focus.
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The Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate Capstone
The Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate Capstone
The purpose of The Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate Capstone: A Framework for The Experience and Project is to provide a step-by-step guide for the development, planning, implementation and dissemination of the entry-level occupational therapy doctoral capstone experience and project. The first entry-level occupational therapy doctorate program was established in 1999, but even now there is a scarcity of occupational therapy resources to guide faculty, prepare students and to socialize mentors to the capstone experience and project. The Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate Capstone by Drs. Elizabeth DeIuliis and Julie Bednarski is the first available resource in the field of occupational therapy devoted to the doctoral capstone. Each chapter provides sample resources and useful documents appropriate for use with occupational therapy doctoral students, faculty, capstone coordinators and site mentors. Included Inside: Templates to develop the MOU, individualized doctoral student objectives, and evaluations Examples of how to structure capstone project proposals Learning activities to guide the literature search and development of a problem statement Strategies of how to approach sustainability and program evaluation of the capstone project Recommendations for structure and formatting of the final written document Additional scholarly products derived from the project Other scholarly deliverables including formats for professional presentations and submissible papers The Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate Capstone: A Framework for The Experience and Project will be the first of its kind to serve as a textbook to provide recommendations that will benefit various stakeholders among the capstone team.
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Textbook of Neurointensive Care: Volume 2
Textbook of Neurointensive Care: Volume 2
This extensively updated edition provides a comprehensive review of intensive care for neurologically injured patients from the emergency room and ICU through the operating room and post-surgical period in two comprehensive volumes. The Editors of this second volume present a comprehensive textbook that incorporates best practice/evidence-based medicine and performance improvement, while it champions the three characteristics needed in our neuro–ICUs: patient and family centered high-quality care, education, and discovery. This volume concentrates on perioperative management, monitoring and pharmacotherapy, examining the neurological problems most frequently seen in intensive care, and describes the various types of neurosurgery and critical features of the management of patients. General issues are discussed across the textbook, such as cardiac care, fluids and electrolytes, nutrition, and monitoring as well as more specific conditions and complications including elevated intracranial pressure, seizures, and altered mental states. Listening to an injured brain is not easy. It takes knowledge, dedication, and understanding of the critically ill patient and their family. Textbook of Neurointensive Care Volume 2: Perioperative Management, Monitoring, Pharmacotherapy provides the reader with a detailed resource for studying this most complex area of medicine. It is thus essential reading for all trainees and professionals in critical care, neurosurgery, anesthesia and neurology.
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