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Dimensions of Human Behavior
Dimensions of Human Behavior
Organized around time, the Third Edition of Dimensions of Human Behavior: The Changing Life Course helps students understand the relationship between time and human behavior. Using a life course perspective, author Elizabeth D. Hutchison shows how the multiple dimensions of person and environment work together with dimensions of time to produce patterns in unique life course journeys. The Third Edition is updated and revised to respond to the rapidity of changes in complex societies. New to the Third Edition Examines our increasing global interdependence: The human life course is placed in global context. Recognizes scientific advancements: Advances in neuroscience have been incorporated throughout the chapters. Emphasizes group-based diversity: More content has been added on the effects of gender, race, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, and disability on life course trajectories. Reorganizes family dynamics: Greater attention has been given to the role of fathers. Reflects contemporary issues: New case studies, exhibits, and Web resources have been added to provide the most up-to-date information.
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Researching Young People's Lives
Researching Young People's Lives
Researching Young People's Lives provides an overview of some of the key methodological challenges facing youth researchers and an introduction to the broad repertoire of methods used in youth-orientated research. Throughout the book, the emphasis is on research in practice, and examples are drawn from recent youth research projects from a wide range of disciplines and substantive areas, and from a range of both UK and non-UK contexts.
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Thou Art the Man
Thou Art the Man
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The Ethics of Listening
The Ethics of Listening
There are ways of being in the world that create a flourishing life and other ways that restrict that life, both for ourselves and others. Listening is one of these ways of being. Listening gives shape to speaking, inviting other people into a dialogue that impacts our everyday lives. Our acts of listening, like all communication, are shaped by our cultural and individual differences. Unfortunately, as people consider ways to ethically listen, they often abide by a set of conversational rules that do not reflect or benefit their own or others’ unique contexts and communities. In this book, Parks responds to gaps in scholarship related to listening in communication research and difference in ethics scholarship. Rather than imposing a rigid ethical norm that is unresponsive to diverse cultural practices, her proposed listening ethic is one that is highly contextualized and pluralistic and yet dares to make normative claims. Using discourse research methods that are both qualitative and quantitative, Parks goes beyond describing what listening is in a given context to what ethical listening should be. Empirical findings about listening from multiple communities that represent diverse ethnic, gender, and disability orientations are interwoven with insights from communication ethics to develop the first-ever dialogic ethics of listening that is empirically-based, culturally-grounded, and normative. Ten shared values emerge as guidelines for good listening in this ethic: be open, cultivate understanding, practice authenticity, engage in critical thinking, invest in relationship, care for the dialogue, focus on what matters, be intentionally present, remember the ongoing story, and be responsive to need. These values, while shared across cultures, may be expressed in a diverse and sometimes conflicting communicative practices. Ultimately, Parks proposes that ethical listening is best conceptualized as pursuit of sustainable hospitality in our dialogic interactions within and across difference. By understanding the ways that different people share listening values yet practice them differently, we can learn to trust each other and attest to the hope that ethical dialogue is possible.
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Loraine and the Little People of Spring
Loraine and the Little People of Spring
In March Loraine goes to Maine to live with her grandparents in order to strengthen her health. She arrives in time to help her grandfather with maple syrup season. She and the "little people" observe closely as spring arrives and runs its course.
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Irish Family Law Handbook
Irish Family Law Handbook
The sixth edition comprises consolidated and annotated legislation including coverage of more recent enactments like the Mediation Act 2017, the Domestic Violence Act 2018 and the Family Law (Divorce) Act 2019. Each section is annotated to indicate amendments or repeals - key legal information which is quickly accessible and clearly outlined. Whatever aspect of family law you practice, this essential guide will ensure you've the latest legal guidance and reference information to hand at all times. The authors have expertly selected the family law statutes that busy practitioners need to refer to on a regular basis, as well as EU regulations and the Rules of Court.
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Arnold and Boggs's Interpersonal Relationships - E-Book
Arnold and Boggs's Interpersonal Relationships - E-Book
Now more than ever, effective communication skills are key for successful patient care and positive outcomes. Arnold and Boggs's Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Canadian Nurses helps you develop essential skills for communicating effectively with patients, families, and colleagues in order to achieve treatment goals in health care. Using clear, practical guidelines, it shows how to enhance the nurse-patient relationship through proven communication strategies, as well as principles drawn from nursing, psychology, and related theoretical frameworks. With a uniquely Canadian approach, and a variety of case studies, interactive exercises, and evidence-informed practice studies, this text ensures you learn how to apply theory to real-life practice.
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