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The Grand Araucanian Wars (1541–1883) in the Kingdom of Chile
The Grand Araucanian Wars (1541–1883) in the Kingdom of Chile
The Mapuches accomplished what the mighty Aztec and Inca empires failed so overwhelming to do- to preserve their independence, and keep the Spanish invaders at bay. The Mapuche infantry played a vital role in the Araucanian war, from the initial of the conquest in 1541 to 1883. The goals of this book: a) To provide an overview of the military aspects weaponry, armory, the horse, and tactic, strategy facing the Mapuches; at the beginning of the Spanish conquest. b) To provide an overview, of the military superiority enjoyed, by the Spanish army, in addition, the role of the Auxiliary Indian. c) To point out how, by military innovations, and adaptation in the face of Araucanian war, the Mapuches managed to resist Spanish military campaigns, for over 300 years.
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The Grand Araucanian Wars (1541–1883) in the Kingdom of Chile
The Grand Araucanian Wars (1541–1883) in the Kingdom of Chile
The Mapuches accomplished what the mighty Aztec and Inca empires failed so overwhelming to do- to preserve their independence, and keep the Spanish invaders at bay. The Mapuche infantry played a vital role in the Araucanian war, from the initial of the conquest in 1541 to 1883. The goals of this book: a) To provide an overview of the military aspects weaponry, armory, the horse, and tactic, strategy facing the Mapuches; at the beginning of the Spanish conquest. b) To provide an overview, of the military superiority enjoyed, by the Spanish army, in addition, the role of the Auxiliary Indian. c) To point out how, by military innovations, and adaptation in the face of Araucanian war, the Mapuches managed to resist Spanish military campaigns, for over 300 years.
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Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego
Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego
In Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego, Eduardo Chávez presents the most important points of the Great Guadalupan Event: the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, a recently converted indigenous man, in Mexico. Through a utilization of the numerous historical documents and investigations of this event, Chávez details the reality of what occurred in the cold winter of 1531. As described by Pope John Paul II, "The Guadalupan Event is the perfectly inculturated Evangelization model." Chávez's historical analysis not only represents strong scholarship, but also draws the reader closer to the spiritual power of the events. As the newest contribution to the series Celebrating Faith: Explorations in Latino Spirituality and Theology, this work is of course ideal for use in Latino Studies, but also appeals to wider audience more curious about the Guadalupan event and its meaning for contemporary Christianity.
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Cuba and the Fall
Cuba and the Fall
The literature of Cuba, argues Eduardo González in this new book, takes on quite different features depending on whether one is looking at it from "the inside" or from "the outside," a view that in turn is shaped by official political culture and the authors it sanctions or by those authors and artists who exist outside state policies and cultural politics. González approaches this issue by way of two twentieth-century writers who are central to the canon of gay homoerotic expression and sensibility in Cuban culture: José Lezama Lima (1910–1976) and Reinaldo Arenas (1943–1990). Drawing on the plots and characters in their works, González develops both a story line and a moral tale, revolving around the Christian belief in the fall from grace and the possibility of redemption, that bring the writers into a unique and revealing interaction with one another. The work of Lezama Lima and Arenas is compared with that of fellow Cuban author Virgilio Piñera (1912–1979) and, in a wider context, with the non-Cuban writers John Milton, Nathaniel Hawthorne, William Faulkner, John Ruskin, and James Joyce to show how their themes get replicated in González’s selected Cuban fiction. Also woven into this interaction are two contemporary films—The Devil’s Backbone (2004) and Pan’s Labyrinth (2007)—whose moral and political themes enhance the ethical values and conflicts of the literary texts. Referring to this eclectic gathering of texts, González charts a cultural course in which Cuba moves beyond the Caribbean and into a latitude uncharted by common words, beyond the tyranny of place.
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New Foundations
New Foundations
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A son de campana
A son de campana
Este libro es parte de la colección e-Libro en BiblioBoard.
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Triumphs and Tragedy
Triumphs and Tragedy
An epic history of Mexico from its Olmec, Aztec, and Mayan heritage to the present day.
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Memories of a Hyphenated Man
Memories of a Hyphenated Man
"This journal is about my life in the United States ... By birth, I am an American, but by culture, thanks to my parents and to the upbringing they gave me, I am also Mexican. I know the country of their birth, its people and its culture, as well as I know my own ... To forget where you come from not only discourages pride in culture but ... to lose one's past is to lose one's self"--Pref.
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Mafia mexicana
Mafia mexicana
Desde hace algunas décadas, México acapara los reflectores de la atención pública mundial, no por su patrimonio natural y cultural, su riqueza histórica, su exquisita gastronomía y demás bondades, sino por sus elevados índices de violencia, los cuales se reflejan en diversos indicadores, como haber alcanzado en las últimas administraciones 350.000 homicidios dolosos, o desconocer el destino final de 100.000 desaparecidos. Gran parte de la brutalidad mencionada se relaciona con la operatividad en todo el territorio nacional de organizaciones delictivas de gran envergadura, comúnmente llamadas cárteles, las cuales en un inicio buscaron monopolizar el narcotráfico, pero que a la larga han competido entre sí por este y otros diversos mercados ilícitos. Estos fenómenos no han sido estáticos, sino que su dinamismo les ha permitido ampliarse, mutar y reestructurarse a lo largo de los años en nuevas formas de criminalidad. Recientemente, algunas de estas agrupaciones alcanzaron un grado de evolución inimaginable, deviniendo en actores centrales de la dinámica crimino-delictiva internacional. Esta obra, producto de años de investigación es pionera en su tipo, porque incursiona en el territorio inexplorado de la transformación y perfeccionamiento de la delincuencia organizada en México. Brinda un nuevo marco de referencia en torno a esta problemática, el cual permite al lector conocer y comprender la realidad actual de la misma: lo que se tiene en México es un fenómeno delictivo muy sofisticado, una verdadera mafia mexicana.
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