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The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System
The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System
Who said learning A&P can't be fun? The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System, 4th Edition makes it easy to learn normal structure and function of the body, and summarizes the common disorders found in each body system. Written by well-known educator Edith Applegate, this book combines clear, crisp writing with hundreds of vibrant illustrations. This edition includes a stronger emphasis on medical vocabulary, so you understand key terms before you learn anatomy. A wide array of engaging features simplifies physiology concepts, and an Evolve website supports the book with a wealth of new learning opportunities. Even if you have little or no background in science, you will learn the A&P you need to enter your career! A clear and concise writing style makes the book easy to read and understand, even if you have a limited background in science. Quick Check questions let you check your comprehension at various points within a chapter. Chapter quizzes provide recall, thought, and application questions to check your understanding of A&P concepts. An Evolve website includes online tutoring, a Body Spectrum coloring book, Anatomy & Physiology Pioneers boxes with brief biographies of trailblazers in science and medicine, 3-D animations, an audio glossary, Spanish pronunciations of key terms, and frequently asked questions. Outlines and objectives at the beginning of each chapter help you prioritize your study. Key terms are highlighted to help you analyze, pronounce, and spell important medical words. A glossary provides definitions and a pronunciation guide for key terms. Functional Relationships pages illustrate the connection between each individual system and the other body systems, showing how all systems work together. Representative Disorders describe the common health issues associated with each body system. Focus on Aging boxes describe the effects of aging on body systems. Quick Applications boxes connect the material to real-world scenarios. From the Pharmacy boxes describe common medications for each body system and include a brief description of the drug and its action, common uses, and abbreviations. 100 new high-quality illustrations help you visualize anatomical features and physiological processes. Chapter summaries and vocabulary quizzes have been added to the end of each chapter. New Building Your Medical Vocabulary section covers the history of medical words, giving you the building blocks to use and recognize new terms.
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The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts [With Workbook and Access Code]
This money-saving package is a must-have for students! It includes The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications, 2 volume set, 3rd edition and an electronic version of the textbooks that allows students to search, highlight information, take notes, share notes and more. This package makes it simple for students to make the most of their study time and get more use out of their textbooks!
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Today's Medical Assistant
Today's Medical Assistant
For the first time - all in one volume - here's everything you need to prepare for a successful career as a medical assistant! Today's Medical Assistant: Clinical & Administrative Procedures is a hands-on, comprehensive guide to all of the concepts and skills you need for success in today's busy medical office: medical knowledge, clinical skills, and administrative details. No other medical assisting text provides everything you need in such a practical, accessible package! Bringing together the clinical know-how of Kathy Bonewit-West, the administrative expertise of Sue Hunt, and the anatomy and physiology knowledge of Edith Applegate, this unique text offers a single-volume, manageable approach to both clinical and administrative procedures, as well as an essential understanding of anatomy and physiology. It provides a solid foundation for success in today's fast-paced medical office, covering all the concepts and skills needed for modern medical assisting and their application to real-life situations. Streaming video presentations of 89 procedures on four companion DVD-ROMs clarify procedures from the text and reinforce your understanding. Two companion CD-ROMs offer animations, games, exercises, and other helpful activities designed to help you assess your content knowledge, improve your critical thinking skills, and make learning more interesting and effective. Interactive A & P Review exercises on the CD-ROM (Body Spectrum and ArchieMD animations with exercises) help you master challenging anatomy and physiology content. Evolve offers online access to additional exercises, charting/documentation examples, and externship evaluation tools. More than 120 procedures are presented in a clear, step-by-step format in the text, including underlying principles and illustrations depicting the technique. Procedures also include Charting Examples to help you understand the process for charting your own procedures. Includes coverage of anatomy and physiology, plus up-to-date content on the medical record (including HIPAA, electronic medical records [EMR], and advanced directives), documentation (including billing and coding), medical office terminology, medical asepsis, vital signs, pediatrics, colonoscopy, IV therapy, CLIA Waived Tests, and much more. What Would You Do?/What Would You Not Do? challenges you to analyze and respond to real-life applications of case studies. Apply your Knowledge questions at the end of each chapter help you assess your knowledge of the material you've just covered. Prepare for Certification sections at the end of each chapter help you master important elements covered in medical assisting certification examinations. Putting It All into Practice boxes and Memories from Externship boxes introduce realistic medical assistants so that you can witness real-life medical situations. Patient Teaching boxes emphasize this important aspect of a medical assistant's daily job. An appendix of common Spanish-English phrases helps you effectively communicate with Spanish-speaking patients. An appendix of helpful websites gives you valuable information on professional organizations, accrediting agencies, and agencies that provide CPR certification.
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Today's Medical Assistant
Today's Medical Assistant
Bringing together the clinical know-how of Kathy Bonewit-West, the administrative expertise of Sue Hunt, and the anatomy and physiology knowledge of Edith Applegate, this unique, hands-on text guides you through the medical knowledge and skills you need to succeed in today's fast-paced medical office. The latest standards and competencies for the medical assistant have been incorporated into this new edition, along with expanded coverage on important topics such as nutrition, the electronic medical record, ICD-10, emergency preparedness and disaster planning, time management, and computerized prescription refills. Consistent, meticulous coverage throughout the main text, IRM, SG, DVDs, Evolve, and more provide reliable content and unparalleled accuracy. Over 90 procedural videos on DVD and online provide a visual representation of important procedures. Expanded Student Evolve site contains all animations, games (such as Quiz Show and Road to Recovery), drag-and-drop exercises, Apply your Knowledge exercises, Prepare for Certification exercises, matching exercises, and other helpful activities such as blood pressure readings, determining height and weight, and drawing up medication. What Would You Do? What Would You Not Do? boxes and responses offer applications of real-life case studies.Clear and concise Anatomy and Physiology coverage covers the basics of A&P and eliminates the need for a separate A&P text. Content updates reflect the latest competencies for medical assistants and ensure you have the most current information on the newest trends and updates in the medical assisting world. 8th grade reading level makes material approachable and easy to understand. New chapter on Emergency Preparedness offers a well-rounded perspective on what to do in specific emergency situations. New OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens video improves your understanding of personal safety following the OSHA standards. Pronunciation section in the Terminology Review gives you confidence with pronunciation and medical knowledge.Application to EMR where appropriate prepares you for the real world by dealing with electronic medical records.
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The Sectional Anatomy Learning System - E-Book
The Sectional Anatomy Learning System - E-Book
Designed to provide a thorough understanding of sectional anatomy, this unique, two-volume set is a complete, easy-to-use learning package. Volume 1, Concepts, presents detailed, readable descriptions of sectional anatomy of the entire body broken down into body systems. It focuses on how different structures within a system are related, so you can form a clear picture of how everything fits together. The text is highlighted with many new labeled diagnostic images, including radiographs, CT, MR, and sonograms. Volume 2, Applications, is an interactive workbook with coloring, labeling, and other exercises designed to help you identify the structures most commonly encountered in various imaging techniques. - Helpful features include: chapter outlines, chapter objectives, pathology boxes, summary tables of anatomical information, review questions, chapter quizzes, and a glossary. - Interactive exercises include labeling, anatomical coloring, short answer questions, and "Chapter Recall tests. - Many more labeled, high-quality images, including MRI, CT and sonography help you learn anatomy using real-life images you'll see in clinics and in practice. - Quick Check Questions test your understanding of the material as you progress through the chapters. - Important Anatomical Relationships section describes relationships between anatomical structures and refers you to relevant images. - Working with Images sections in each body system chapter provide additional discussion and diagnostic images, helping you learn to identify anatomical structures with a variety of imaging modalities. - List of Key Terms at the beginning of each chapter alert you to the terms you need to watch for before you read. - More exercises with diagnostic images in the Applications volume, giving additional opportunities to identify and label anatomic structures on actual images. - Answers to all Quick Check questions are given in the back of the book, allowing for immediate feedback; answers to the other questions and exercises are available online on Evolve. - Evolve Online Resources contains images of cadaver sections, allowing you to see anatomy related to the line drawings in the book.
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The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System
The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System
Designed to be used with the workbook of the same name by Edith J. Applegate. Provides learning objectives and written exercises correlating with chapters in the textbook.
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Study Guide for Today's Medical Assistant - E-Book
Study Guide for Today's Medical Assistant - E-Book
Use this study tool to master the content from your Today's Medical Assistant: Clinical & Administrative Procedures, 2nd Edition textbook! Corresponding to the chapters in the textbook by Kathy Bonewit-West, Sue Hunt, and Edith Applegate, this study guide helps you understand and apply the material with practical exercises, activities, flashcards, checklists, review questions, and more. Chapter assignment tables at the beginning of chapters guide you through textbook and study guide assignments, and make it easy to track your progress. Laboratory assignment tables list the procedures in each chapter, including study guide page number references, and indicate the procedures shown on the DVDs. A pretest and posttest in each chapter measure your understanding with 10 true/false questions. Key term assessments include exercises to help in reviewing and mastering new vocabulary. Evaluation of Learning questions let you assess your understanding, evaluate progress, and prepare for the certification examination. Critical thinking activities let you apply your knowledge to real-life situations. Practice for Competency sections offer extra practice on clinical skills presented in the book. Evaluation of Competency checklists evaluate your performance versus stated objectives and updated CAAHEP performance standards. Updated content includes exercises for topics such as electronic medical records, advanced directives, HIPAA, emergency preparedness, ICD-10 coding, documentation, medical office technology, medical asepsis, vital signs, pediatrics, colonoscopy, IV therapy, and CLIA waived tests. New activities provide practice for the Today's Medical Assistant textbook’s newest and most up-to-date content. New Emergency Protective Practices for the Medical Office chapter includes procedures, critical thinking questions, and other activities to help you understand emergency preparedness. New Wheelchair Transfer Procedure and Evaluation of Competency checklist includes a step-by-step guide to this important procedure. New video evaluation worksheets on the Evolve companion website reinforce the procedures demonstrated on the textbook DVDs. New practicum and externship activities on Evolve provide practice with real-world scenarios.
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Study Guide for The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System
Study Guide for The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System
Designed to accompany The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System, 4th Edition, by Edith Applegate, this study guide helps you learn and review basic A&P concepts. Each chapter emphasizes medical terminology with a set of key terms, word parts, clinical terms, and abbreviations, and then adds a variety of fun-filled learning exercises, review questions, a quiz, and a word puzzle. The study guide corresponds to the textbook chapter for chapter. - Chapter learning objectives help you focus on the most important material. - Key concepts are defined on the first page of each chapter in the workbook. - Learning exercises for each chapter include short answer, matching, and diagrams to label and color. - Self-quizzes allow you to measure your progress and understanding. - Fun and Games features end each chapter with a variety of engaging puzzles covering words and concepts. - A chapter summary provides a brief review of each chapter. - A chapter review provides questions for reinforcement and review of the concepts in each chapter.
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Today's Medical Assistant - E-Book
Today's Medical Assistant - E-Book
Content updates reflect the latest competencies for medical assistants and ensure you have the most current information on the newest trends and updates in the medical assisting world. 8th grade reading level makes material approachable and easy to understand. New chapter on Emergency Preparedness offers a well-rounded perspective on what to do in specific emergency situations. New OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens video improves your understanding of personal safety following the OSHA standards. Pronunciation section in the Terminology Review gives you confidence with pronunciation and medical knowledge. Application to EMR where appropriate prepares you for the real world by dealing with electronic medical records.
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