Logical Conclusions
Chapters include the following: Lawsuits: These are actual lawsuits allowed into our nation's courts. The only way this chapter would be stranger is if it listed lawsuits so absurd they were not allowed into the courts. Hunting and Fishing: I live in a small drinking town with a hunting and fishing problem. Weather: This includes a column on the benefits of climate change, a subject that most news reports ignore, and why we in Walden, Colorado, are in favor of global warming. Politics: The first column is my abortive attempt to run for president of the United States. Another is on what we should learn from the Greeks, and another on state stereotyping. Yes, that happened. Internet English: This is the Age of the Text. So why do so many of these texters not know basic English? Sadly, examples abound. Technology: I've suggested a number of new inventions. You'll like the Fleshomatic. EEKs: Hope you're not one. Health: You don't realize the value of an eye until you've lost one. Advertising: Dilbert once observed that if marketing worked, it would be illegal. But it must work on some of us. Bureaucracies: If learning about what our government workers are actually doing doesn't drop you into a state of depression, you might be heavily medicated. Human Behavior: None of these columns seemed to fit anywhere else, like what if the passage of an asteroid made us all smarter?