A Deeper Anthology
Now residing in texas, where i have built my home and live alone , and am a 28 yr survivor of HIV, derived from a blood transfusion while active duty military via oral surgery done in 1983. I now devote my retirement to my preoccupations of fishing and puttering around my modest home,,along with writting songs and poems which i have done for 35 plus years, as a singular vocation. I feel that in all of us as spirited beings ,we each do hold potential for compassion some more than others perhaps but still inherant to us all,,,I write poetry to convey those instincts to those that are less aware but require reminders that they too are beings of empathy I trust that my works will offer some a peace of mind and awareness so needed in this fast paced all too short existance we all share and to some degree will offer solice in reading words that instill hope for a better tomorrow, gleened from living, this is my short legacy i wish to leave.