Navigating the Digital Age
Welcome to the all-new second edition of Navigating the Digital Age. This edition brings together more than 50 leaders and visionaries from business, science, technology, government, aca¬demia, cybersecurity, and law enforce¬ment. Each has contributed an exclusive chapter designed to make us think in depth about the ramifications of this digi-tal world we are creating. Our purpose is to shed light on the vast possibilities that digital technologies present for us, with an emphasis on solving the existential challenge of cybersecurity. An important focus of the book is centered on doing business in the Digital Age-par¬ticularly around the need to foster a mu¬tual understanding between technical and non-technical executives when it comes to the existential issues surrounding cybersecurity. This book has come together in three parts. In Part 1, we focus on the future of threat and risks. Part 2 emphasizes lessons from today's world, and Part 3 is designed to help you ensure you are covered today. Each part has its own flavor and personal¬ity, reflective of its goals and purpose. Part 1 is a bit more futuristic, Part 2 a bit more experiential, and Part 3 a bit more practical. How we work together, learn from our mistakes, deliver a secure and safe digital future-those are the elements that make up the core thinking behind this book. We cannot afford to be complacent. Whether you are a leader in business, government, or education, you should be knowledgeable, diligent, and action-oriented. It is our sincerest hope that this book provides answers, ideas, and inspiration.If we fail on the cybersecurity front, we put all of our hopes and aspirations at risk. So we start this book with a simple proposition: When it comes to cybersecurity, we must succeed.