Core Curriculum for Holistic Nursing
Published in partnership with the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), Core Curriculum for Holistic Nursing, Second Edition is an excellent resource for nurses preparing to become certified in holistic nursing. The first study guide of its kind, it features more than 380 questions and a Foreword written by Barbara Montgomery Dossey. In addition, it covers all major holistic nursing areas with the most current AHNA/ANA Holistic Nursing Scope & Standards of Practice. Topics include principles of holistic nursing leadership, educational strategies for teaching students about the relationship between quality improvement and patient-centered care, holistic research, evidence-based holistic nursing practice, appropriate theory to guide holistic nursing practice, and information about common herbs and supplements. With both basic and advanced questions and answers in each chapter, Core Curriculum for Holistic Nursing, Second Edition gives nurses the opportunity to test their knowledge while gaining valuable test taking experience. New chapters include: * Nursing: Integral, Integrative and Holistic: Local to Global * Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice * Holistic Leadership * Nurse Coaching * Facilitating Change: Motivational Interviewing and Appreciative Inquiry * Evidence-Based Practice * Teaching Future Holistic Nurses: Integration of Holistic and Quality Safety Education (QSEN) Concepts For nurses who want a detailed study guide to holistic nursing, it is a natural companion to Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice, Sixth Edition by Barbara Montgomery Dossey and Lynn Keegan. Included with each new print book is an online Access Code for Navigate TestPrep, a dynamic online assessment tool designed to help nurses prepare for certification examinations. * Randomized questions from the book create new exams on each attempt * Monitors results on practice examinations with score and time tracking * Reporting tools evaluate progress and results