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JFK's Ghost
JFK's Ghost
“I’d rather win a Pulitzer Prize than be President of the United States,” John F. Kennedy confided to author Margaret Coit shortly after his election to the Senate in 1953. Kennedy got his wish four years later, when his book Profiles in Courage was awarded the Pulitzer for biography—even though it wasn’t among the finalists for the prize. Furthermore, the role of Ted Sorensen in drafting the main chapters in the book was never acknowledged by Kennedy’s inner circle, and Kennedy himself was hyper-sensitive until his dying day about rumors that cast doubt on his ownership of Profiles in Courage. Still, Jack Kennedy the writer is part of the Kennedy narrative that helped propel his political career. And he did indeed work for a time as a journalist, and brought a measures of erudition, wit, and charm to his speeches. But if the rumors surrounding authorship of Profiles in Courage were proven to be true prior to his ascendance to the Presidency, there might have been no brief and shining moment in America called Camelot.
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How to Keep Calm and Carry on
How to Keep Calm and Carry on
In his famous poem, "IF", Rudyard Kipling extolled the virtue of knowing how to "keep your head when all about you are losing theirs--and blaming it on you." This book is for people who want to be like that. The principles shared are derived from the writings of Simon Peter, an early follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus saw Simon's potential from the beginning. That's why he gave him such an ironic nickname -- ROCK (Peter). Simon was anything but "solid" for quite awhile. But God knew what he would become. And when Simon Peter was much older, it fell to him to comfort and calm thousands of Christians who lived in fear of harassment, persecution, and even death. The affirmation "Keep Calm and Carry On" originated in a morale campaign in Great Britain in the build up to World War Two. These days, however, the phrase has become part of popular culture. This book describes ancient concepts that are ever new. Practical, in-depth, and thoroughly biblical, "How to Keep Calm and Carry On" will challenge your mind and comfort your heart.
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When Good Samaritans Get Mugged
When Good Samaritans Get Mugged
WHEN GOOD SAMARITANS GET MUGGED, by best-selling author David R. Stokes, details practical strategies for overcoming the depression, frustration, anger, fear, and discouragement we experience when we feel the pain of criticism, rejection, and personal attack--even though we are trying to do the right thing.
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A California Flora and Supplement
A California Flora and Supplement
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1959. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived
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British Political Facts
British Political Facts
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Jake & Clara
Jake & Clara
Jake Hamon, a rich oilman underwrites the successful Presidential campaign of Warren Harding. The President-elect intends to make Jake the most influential businessman in America. Only one thing stands in the millionaire's way. Her name is Clara-the proverbial woman scorned. Frankly, she would rather see Jake dead.
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Introduction to Python for Science and Engineering
Introduction to Python for Science and Engineering
Introduction to Python for Science and Engineering offers a quick and incisive introduction to the Python programming language for use in any science or engineering discipline. The approach is pedagogical and “bottom up,” which means starting with examples and extracting more general principles from that experience. No prior programming experience is assumed. Readers will learn the basics of Python syntax, data structures, input and output, conditionals and loops, user-defined functions, plotting, animation, and visualization. They will also learn how to use Python for numerical analysis, including curve fitting, random numbers, linear algebra, solutions to nonlinear equations, numerical integration, solutions to differential equations, and fast Fourier transforms. Readers learn how to interact and program with Python using JupyterLab and Spyder, two simple and widely used integrated development environments. All the major Python libraries for science and engineering are covered, including NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas. Other packages are also introduced, including Numba, which can render Python numerical calculations as fast as compiled computer languages such as C but without their complex overhead.
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