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Health Measurement Scales
Health Measurement Scales
Clinicians and those in health sciences are frequently called upon to measure subjective states such as attitudes, feelings, quality of life, educational achievement and aptitude, and learning style in their patients. This fifth edition of Health Measurement Scales enables these groups to both develop scales to measure non-tangible health outcomes, and better evaluate and differentiate between existing tools. Health Measurement Scales is the ultimate guide to developing and validating measurement scales that are to be used in the health sciences. The book covers how the individual items are developed; various biases that can affect responses (e.g. social desirability, yea-saying, framing); various response options; how to select the best items in the set; how to combine them into a scale; and finally how to determine the reliability and validity of the scale. It concludes with a discussion of ethical issues that may be encountered, and guidelines for reporting the results of the scale development process. Appendices include a comprehensive guide to finding existing scales, and a brief introduction to exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, making this book a must-read for any practitioner dealing with this kind of data.
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This new edition of the book will be produced in two versions. The textbook will include a CD-Rom with two videotaped lectures by the authors. This book translates biostatistics in the health sciences literature with clarity and irreverence. Students and practitioners alike, applaud Biostatistics as the practical guide that exposes them to every statistical test they may encounter, with careful conceptual explanations and a minimum of algebra. What's New? The new Bare Essentials reflects recent advances in statistics, as well as time-honored methods. For example, "hierarchical linear modeling" which first appeared in psychology journals and only now is described in medical literature. Also new, is a chapter on testing for equivalence and non-inferiority. As well as a chapter with information to get started with the computer statistics program, SPSS. Free of calculations and jargon, Bare Essentials speaks so plainly that you won't need a technical dictionary. No math, all concepts. The objective is to enable you to determine if the research results are applicable to your own patients. Throughout the guide, you'll find highlights of areas in which researchers misuse or misinterpret statistical tests. We have labeled these "C.R.A.P. Detectors" (Convoluted Reasoning and Anti-intellectual Pomposity), which help you to identify faulty methodology and misuse of statistics.
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PDQ Statistics
PDQ Statistics
The third edition of PDQ Statistics provides an overview of all major statistical methods, giving the reader a good understanding of statistics and how they are used in research articles. It covers the major categories – variable and descriptive statistics, parametric statistics, non-parametric statistics, and multivariate statistics. The explanations are clear, succinct, and loaded with practical examples.
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A Guide for the Statistically Perplexed
A Guide for the Statistically Perplexed
Inspired to write on this topic in reaction to mistakes he encountered in actual papers, David L. Streiner uses his trademark sense of humour and light-hearted style to explain complex statistical concepts in lucid, jargon-free language.
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PDQ Public Health
PDQ Public Health
To introduce a firm understanding of public health, PDQ Public Health presents the history of how the tools of public health have evolved and are applied for the detection, measurement, and intervention in public health threats and risks.
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A Guide for the Statistically Perplexed
A Guide for the Statistically Perplexed
Inspired to write on this topic in reaction to mistakes he encountered in actual papers, David L. Streiner uses his trademark sense of humour and light-hearted style to explain complex statistical concepts in lucid, jargon-free language.
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This new edition of the book will be produced in two versions. The textbook will include a CD-Rom with two videotaped lectures by the authors. This book translates biostatistics in the health sciences literature with clarity and irreverence. Students and practitioners alike, applaud Biostatistics as the practical guide that exposes them to every statistical test they may encounter, with careful conceptual explanations and a minimum of algebra. What's New? The new Bare Essentials reflects recent advances in statistics, as well as time-honored methods. For example, "hierarchical linear modeling" which first appeared in psychology journals and only now is described in medical literature. Also new, is a chapter on testing for equivalence and non-inferiority. As well as a chapter with information to get started with the computer statistics program, SPSS. Free of calculations and jargon, Bare Essentials speaks so plainly that you won't need a technical dictionary. No math, all concepts. The objective is to enable you to determine if the research results are applicable to your own patients. Throughout the guide, you'll find highlights of areas in which researchers misuse or misinterpret statistical tests. We have labeled these "C.R.A.P. Detectors" (Convoluted Reasoning and Anti-intellectual Pomposity), which help you to identify faulty methodology and misuse of statistics.
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Health Measurement Scales
Health Measurement Scales
A new edition of this practical guide for clinicians who are developing tools to measure subjective states, attitudes, or non-tangible outcomes in their patients, suitable for those who have no knowledge of statistics.
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Mental Disorder in Canada
Mental Disorder in Canada
Canada has long been recognized as a leader in the field of psychiatric epidemiology, the study of the factors affecting mental health in populations. However, there has never been a book dedicated to the study of mental disorder at a population level in Canada. This collection of essays by leading scholars in the discipline uses data from the country's first national survey of mental disorder, the Canadian Community Health Survey of 2005, to fill that gap. Mental Disorder in Canada explores the history of psychiatric epidemiology, evaluates methodological issues, and analyzes the prevalence of several significant mental disorders in the population. The collection also includes essays on stigma, mental disorder and the criminal justice system, and mental health among women, children, workers, and other demographic groups. Focusing specifically on Canadian scholarship, yet wide-reaching in scope, Mental Disorder in Canada is an important contribution to the dissemination and advancement of knowledge on psychiatric epidemiology.
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Mental Disorder in Canada
Mental Disorder in Canada
Canada has long been recognized as a leader in the field of psychiatric epidemiology, the study of the factors affecting mental health in populations. However, there has never been a book dedicated to the study of mental disorder at a population level in Canada. This collection of essays by leading scholars in the discipline uses data from the country's first national survey of mental disorder, the Canadian Community Health Survey of 2005, to fill that gap. Mental Disorder in Canada explores the history of psychiatric epidemiology, evaluates methodological issues, and analyzes the prevalence of several significant mental disorders in the population. The collection also includes essays on stigma, mental disorder and the criminal justice system, and mental health among women, children, workers, and other demographic groups. Focusing specifically on Canadian scholarship, yet wide-reaching in scope, Mental Disorder in Canada is an important contribution to the dissemination and advancement of knowledge on psychiatric epidemiology.
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