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"Designed for graduate level courses in adult psychopathology, the Second Edition of this book incorporates the newly released (2013) DSM-5 . Unique in its approach, this text presents a historical context in which current diagnoses are made. Presenting an overview of the issues and methodologies of conducting assessments, each of the major psychological disorders is discussed in a standard format in the chapter dealing with that disorder. The text includes new chapters on nonalcohol substance abuse and contextual factors affecting diagnoses. Each chapter covers: description from DSM, using case examples; epidemiology; basic research, including neurobiology and neuroscience of the disorder; prevalence and consequences of the disorder; behavioral, social, cognitive, and emotional aspects of the disorder; and treatment of the disorder, using clinical examples showing how psychopathology and assessment influence treatment"--
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Introduction to the Counseling Profession
Introduction to the Counseling Profession
Introduction to the Counseling Profession is a comprehensive overview of the history and foundational concepts of counseling, offering the most current and relevant breadth of coverage available. Students will gain insight into the myriad issues that surround not only the process of counseling and its many populations but also the personal dynamics that have an impact on this process. The contributed-author format provides state-of-the-art information from experts in their respective fields while maintaining a consistent structure and message. This edition has been brought in line with the 2009 Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) standards and includes chapters on each of the CACREP specializations. Topics rarely treated in other introductory texts are addressed, such as research and writing in counseling, technology and counseling, and self-care and growth. This edition includes new pedagogical features such as sidebars and more case studies to expand on key topics, as well as new chapters on: Cross-Cultural Counseling Self-Care and Self-Growth Individual Counseling Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Addictions Counseling Student Affairs and College Counseling A collection of supplemental resources are available online to benefit both instructors and students. Instructors will find PowerPoint slides and test banks to aid in conducting their courses, and students can access chapter summaries, exercises, and other tools to supplement their review of the material in the text. These materials can be accessed at
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Managing Suicidal Risk
Managing Suicidal Risk
"The Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) approach has garnered a strong evidence base and has been implemented by therapists from a range of orientations in diverse clinical settings. This extensively revised manual provides a proven therapeutic framework for evaluating suicidal risk and developing and implementing a suicide-specific treatment plan that is respectful, empathic, and empowering. In addition to their clinical utility, the procedures used for assessment, treatment, and progress monitoring within CAMS can help reduce the risk of malpractice liability. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes all needed reproducible tools for implementing CAMS. Purchasers also get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials"--
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Managing Suicidal Risk, Second Edition
Managing Suicidal Risk, Second Edition
Revised edition of the author's Managing suicidal risk, 2006.
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CBT for Those at Risk of a First Episode Psychosis
CBT for Those at Risk of a First Episode Psychosis
Can severe mental illness be prevented by early intervention? Mental illness is highly prevalent in the general population and has its onset mostly in adolescence and young adulthood. Early intervention usually leads to improved prognosis. This book describes a newly developed, evidence based cognitive behavioural intervention that can be used by clinicians to treat the precursor symptoms of psychosis and other severe mental illness. CBT for those at risk of a First Episode Psychosis offers a detailed new psychotherapy that has been shown to reduce the chance of transition to a first psychotic episode and to improve the chance for recovery. This encompasses: Psycho-education about prepsychotic symptoms A review of literature about psychological processes that are known to play a role in the development of psychosis A comprehensive manual – illustrated by numerous clinical vignettes - that can be used to treat help-seeking subjects with an increased risk of developing psychosis. Links to online resources and exercises to be used in therapy and education. A description of the multicentre randomized clinical trial investigating this new psychotherapy. The vast collective experience and expertise of the authors of this handbook results in an invaluable text for clinicians working in mental health care, as well as students, lecturers and researchers who have an interest in the prevention of schizophrenia and other severe mental illness.
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Lever's Histopathology of the Skin
Lever's Histopathology of the Skin
Rely on Lever’s for more accurate, more efficient diagnoses! Continuously in publication for more than 65 years, Lever's Histopathology of the Skin remains your authoritative source for comprehensive coverage of those skin diseases in which histopathology plays an important role in diagnosis. This edition maintains the proven, clinicopathologic classification of cutaneous disease while incorporating a “primer” on pattern-algorithm diagnosis. More than 1800 full-color illustrations, including photomicrographs and clinical photographs, help you visualize and make the most of the clinical diagnostic process.
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Coping with Psychosis and Schizophrenia
Coping with Psychosis and Schizophrenia
A series of short personal accounts from family carers supporting a relative living with psychosis and schizophrenia. This book will appeal to families of relatives with mental health problems and will also serve as an excellent resource for psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, social workers, GP's and students.
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The Mexican Filmography, 1916 through 2001
The Mexican Filmography, 1916 through 2001
Mexican cinema has largely been overlooked by international film scholars because of a lack of English-language information and the fact that Spanish-language information was difficult to find and often out of date. This comprehensive filmography helps fill the need. Arranged by year of release and then by title, the filmography contains entries that include basic information (film and translated title, production company, genre, director, cast), a plot summary, and additional information about the film. Inclusion criteria: a film must be a Mexican production or co-production, feature length (one hour or more, silent films excepted), fictional (documentaries and compilation films are not included unless the topic relates to Mexican cinema; some docudramas and films with recreated or staged scenes are included), and theatrically released or intended for theatrical release.
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Psychology and the Paranormal
Psychology and the Paranormal
The field of research on the paranormal has changed enormously in the last 20 years. Examining experiences of ESP, psychokinesis, precognition, ganzfeld, dissociative states, out-of-the-body experiences, alien abductions and near-death experiences, David Marks appraises the best available evidence to date on scientific claims of the paranormal. Each chapter also provides a description of the psychological processes that are likely to contribute to these experiences, and to the high prevalence of paranormal beliefs. Importantly, this book does not take a fixed sceptical or ‘disbelieving’ view of the phenomena but, as far as possible, offers a neutral gaze which will equip readers to make up their own minds, as well as providing them with the critical skills to defend their conclusions.
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Los instrumentos de valoración y gestión de riesgos en el modelo de penalidad español
Los instrumentos de valoración y gestión de riesgos en el modelo de penalidad español
La configuración actual de los modelos de penalidad presentes en el Norte Global tiene en la noción de riesgo un elemento de carácter central. En consecuencia, la construcción de narrativas, modelos o instrumentos enfocados al tratamiento de la criminalidad se encuentra influida por esta perspectiva. Tal contexto no es ajeno a la realidad político-criminal española, ya que tanto el legislador penal y penitenciario como los distintos poderes y organismos públicos que operan en este campo incorporan el riesgo como criterio orientador de sus decisiones. A los efectos de analizar esta realidad punitiva, esta obra se estructura en torno a tres capítulos. En primer lugar, se realiza un estudio de la noción del riesgo y se exploran sus relaciones con el sistema penal y penitenciario. En segundo lugar, se introducen unas consideraciones generales sobre los instrumentos de valoración y gestión del riesgo en tanto que herramientas al servicio del modelo penalidad. Y en tercer lugar, se estudian cuatro instrumentos de valoración y gestión del riesgo presentes en el sistema penitenciario español. Esta última parte tiene una importancia capital, ya que permite examinar unas herramientas que para el conjunto de las ciencias penales en España todavía resultan relativamente desconocidas. En suma, con la finalidad de analizar la introducción de la noción de riesgo en el ámbito penal, esta obra incorpora un estudio específico sobre la configuración, desarrollo e importancia de los instrumentos de valoración y gestión del riesgo en el modelo penitenciario español. David Castro Liñares es Doctor en Derecho por la Universidade da Coruña (2019) y desde 2016 Profesor Ayudante de Derecho Penal en la Universidad de Alicante. Es autor de diversas publicaciones en revistas científicas y libros académicos abarcando diferentes temáticas dentro de las ciencias penales. Ha intervenido en eventos científicos españoles e internacionales. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en centros de referencia a nivel internacional. Ha participado en diversos proyectos de investigación I+D de financiación pública (autonómica y estatal), algunos de ellos todavía vigentes. En la actualidad, es miembro del Equipo de investigación: Criminalidad, Psicología Jurídica y Justicia Penal en el siglo XXI (ECRIM) perteneciente a la Universidade da Coruña y del Grupo de Estudios de Política criminal, Derecho penal y Criminología (DELICTUA) perteneciente a la Universidad de Alicante.
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