The Evaluation of Teacher Preparation Models
Every year, thousands of new teachers pass through hundreds of different teacher preparation programs and are hired to teach in the nation's schools. In recent years, alternative programs have expanded rapidly. Despite the expansion of these new routes into teaching, little research exists to provide guidance on the effectiveness of different teacher training strategies. This report presents the design for Mathematica's evaluation of these issues. The evaluation--the Impact Evaluation of Teacher Preparation Models--is being sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and is being conducted by Mathematica Policy Research (MPR), Decision Information Resources (DIR), Chesapeake Research Associates (CRA), and Vermont Institutes (VI). The purpose of the evaluation is to rigorously test whether the extent or content of teacher preparation is related to teacher practice or to the effectiveness of teachers, as measured by student academic achievement. The following are appended: (1) Self-Administered Teacher Survey; and (2) Context Study Protocols. (Contains 6 tables and 2 figures.) [This report was submitted to U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Evaluation, Institute of Education Sciences by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.].