A Parenting Instruction Manual
Board-certified child psychiatrist, Dr. Dan Myers, worked with patients - children and families - for twenty years as a heathen before converting to Christianity. Then followed thirty years of intense Bible study as he continued his clinical private-psychiatry practice. Thousands of children and families benefited from his child psychiatry training, and extensive clinical expertise, now tested and tempered with the wisdom of the Bible. He shares this 50-year experience in his book, A Parenting Instruction Manual, a practical, no-nonsense, value-based book that should grace the bedside of every parent. Its message is timeless, regardless of one's religious beliefs. For example, despite his Christian beliefs, China invited Dr. Myers to Beijing Yanjing Seminary, where he lectured to a communist faculty and students about Bible-based parenting instructions. The manual's topics include:heredity versus environmentloving strength in disciplinea successful life through honoring your parents and respecting authoritychildren are not like they used to bethe perils of wealthdivorce and child custody when your child needs to see a psychiatristsending your child to collegeChrist's characteristics to emulatePrayer and child-rearingComment from a Senior minister: "Simple truths simply put and to the point. A tremendous source of guidance and help to young parents who want to do it right"Comment from practicing pediatrician: "I would recommend it?as an excellent resource for families with children or couples contemplating having children."Dr. Dan Myers has served as an associate clinical professor at the Department of Psychiatry at Dallas Southwestern Medical School and is a reserve Deacon at Dallas Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas.