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Hartmann & Kester's Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices
Hartmann & Kester's Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices
For all undergraduate courses in plant propagation at the two-year and four-year colleges and universities. The world standard for plant propagation and horticulture for over 50 years, Hartmann and Kester’s Plant Propagation continues to be the field’s most complete, up-to-date text on plant propagation. It now contains color figures throughout, promoting learning and making it an even more useful working text and reference. It also contains extensive updates reflecting the latest commercial techniques and understanding of propagation biology. Like previous editions, it is organised into paired chapters on principles and practices, so it can easily be adapted for teaching courses that cover only practical topics, and for courses that also cover conceptual issues. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
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Hartmann and Kester's Plant Propagation: Pearson New International Edition
Hartmann and Kester's Plant Propagation: Pearson New International Edition
For all undergraduate courses in plant propagation at the two-year and four-year colleges and universities. The world standard for plant propagation and horticulture for over 50 years, Hartmann and Kester's Plant Propagation continues to be the field's most complete, up-to-date text on plant propagation. It now contains color figures throughout, promoting learning and making it an even more useful working text and reference. It also contains extensive updates reflecting the latest commercial techniques and understanding of propagation biology. Like previous editions, it is organized into paired chapters on principles and practices, so it can easily be adapted for teaching courses that cover only practical topics, and for courses that also cover conceptual issues.
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Plant Propagation
Plant Propagation
This is a major revision of the most definitive book available on the subject of plant propagation.
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Hartmann and Kester's Plant Propagation
Hartmann and Kester's Plant Propagation
Hallmarked as the most successful book of its kind, this remarkably thorough treatment covers all aspects of the propagation of plants—both sexual and asexual—with considerable attention given to human (vs natural) efforts to increase plant numbers. The book presents both the art and science of propagation, and conveys knowledge of specific kinds of plants and the particular methods by which those plants must be propagated.A five-part organization outlines general aspects of plant propagation, seed propagation, vegetative propagation, methods of micropropagation, and propagation of selected plants.For anyone with an interest in how plants are grown and utilized for maintaining and adding enjoyment to human life.
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Hardwood Nursery Guide
Hardwood Nursery Guide
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Plant Propagation
Plant Propagation
This is a major revision of the most definitive book available on the subject of plant propagation.
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When Trees Fall
When Trees Fall
A sweeping family saga exploring secrets we keep and the lines we'll cross for love. Cailin is a naïve, adventure-seeking girl living in a Jamaican Great House. Archie is a teenage boy with a chip on his shoulder. Sharpe is a young man with divided loyalties, living as an outsider in a poor hillside village. Yet, all three long for the same thing—a father’s approval. But the man who has the power to give it to them won’t…or can’t. Behind his back, his property workers call him a tyrant for allegedly murdering a worker in the past, and his family walks on eggshells when he returns home from his drunken visits with his mistress. All while Cailin, Archie, and Sharp’s unfulfilled desires spiral into rejection, mistaken affections, and murder. Set in a seaside village during the final year of World War II and Jamaica’s first general election, When Trees Fall is the first novel in Dale Mahfood’s Wood and Water Saga. If you enjoy well-drawn, relatable characters and a compelling story you don’t want to put down, you’ll love this first installment in Dale Mahfood’s series. Join Cailin, Archie, and Sharpe for their Caribbean coming-of-age saga. "An intriguing coming-of-age novel exploring the bittersweet tales of three Jamaican families." –Lynda R. Edwards, author of Friendship Estate "Colonial Jamaica was a pale copy of the society that existed in Britain a century or more earlier, a quaintly polite facade that often shielded dark secrets. When Trees Fall by Dale Mahfood portrays this society with compelling authenticity and irresistible allure. It is about the society I grew up in and people I might have known, yet the novel is so meticulously researched that I kept coming across surprising nuggets of new information. And there’s more than mere historical virtuosity. This is a complex and many layered family saga. The writing style reminds me of Jane Austen, which enhances the story’s antique flavor, making it easy to suspend disbelief as you travel back in time." –George Graham, Journalist and Author of Hill-An'-Gully Rider 10% of the sales profit of this book goes to Trees That Feed Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose mission is "planting fruit-bearing trees to feed people, create jobs, and benefit the environment" in fourteen Caribbean, Central and South American, and African countries.
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The Long Blue Line
The Long Blue Line
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