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Hurvin Anderson
Hurvin Anderson
This is the first comprehensive overview of the twenty-year career of British artist Hurvin Anderson (b. 1965). Anderson is known for painting loosely rendered "observations" of scenes and spaces loaded with personal or communal meaning. Anderson's painting style is notable for the ease with which he slips between figuration and abstraction, playing with the tropes of earlier landscape traditions and twentieth-century abstraction. His paintings of barbershop interiors, country tennis clubs and tropical roadsides teem with rich brushwork and multitudes of decorative patterns or architectural features, at once obscuring and adding to underlying ruminations on identity and place. Drawing on years of primary research, including interviews with the artist, his peers, and his professional colleagues, Courtney J. Martin offers a critical assessment of Hurvin Anderson's painting practice to date that will be enlightening for all students, dealers, and collectors of contemporary painting.
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Hip and Knee Pain Disorders
Hip and Knee Pain Disorders
Hip and Knee Pain Disorders has been written to provide a state-of-the-art, evidence-informed and clinically-informed overview of the examination and conservative management of hip/knee pain conditions. Under the current predominantly evidence-based practice paradigm, clinician expertise, patient preference, and best available research determine examination, and prognostic and clinical management decisions. However, this paradigm has been understood by many to place greater value and emphasis on the research component, thereby devaluing the other two. Evidence-informed practice is a term that has been suggested to honor the original intent of evidence-based practice, while also acknowledging the value of clinician experience and expertise. In essence, evidence-informed practice combines clinical reasoning, based on current best evidence, with authority-based knowledge and a pathophysiological rationale derived from extrapolation of basic science knowledge. Unlike other published textbooks that overemphasize the research component in decision-making, this book aims to address the clinical reality of having to make decisions on the management of a patient with hip/knee pain, in the absence of a comprehensive scientific rationale, using other sources of knowledge. It offers an evidence-informed textbook that values equally research evidence, clinician expertise and patient preference. The book is edited by three recognised world leaders in clinical research into manual therapy and chronic pain. Their research activities are concentrated on the evidence-based management of musculoskeletal pain conditions using conservative interventions. For this book they have combined their knowledge and clinical expertise with that of 54 additional contributors, all specialists in the field The contributors include a mix of clinicians and clinician-researchers. Hip and Knee Pain Disorders is unique in bringing together manual therapies and exercise programs in a multimodal approach to the management of these pain conditions from both a clinical, but also evidence-based, perspective. It acknowledges the expanding direct access role of the physical therapy profession. The book provides an important reference source for clinicians of all professions interested in conservative management of the hip and knee regions. It will also be useful as a textbook for students at both entry and post-graduate level.
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Sabiston. Tratado de cirugía
Sabiston. Tratado de cirugía
Texto de referencia para estudiantes, residentes y cirujanos de todos los niveles de experiencia que los ha guiado por cada aspecto de la cirugía general. Edición exhaustivamente revisada, que proporciona la información clave, el conocimiento esencial para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Abarca todo el espectro temático requerido para la certificación y la práctica de la cirugía general, complementado con ilustraciones, de detallado diseño y a todo color, además de un conjunto de vídeos de alta calidad (contenido en inglés). Cubre cuestiones clave, como las tecnologías y los dispositivos quirúrgicos emergentes, la medicina regenerativa, las últimas novedades relativas a la biología y la terapia del cáncer, y los abordajes y los tratamientos basados en la evidencia. Enfatiza las técnicas mínimamente invasivas más actualizadas y el uso de la robótica y reúne más de 2.000 magníficas ilustraciones y fotografías intraoperatorias, y 25 vídeos explicativos (contenido en inglés),sobre técnicas quirúrgicas. En esta edición incluye más diagramas, tablas resumen, cuadros y algoritmos. Más de 100 nuevos autores, 2 nuevos capítulos sobre cirugía robótica y cirugía fetal y contenidos plenamente actualizados sobre temas de interés para los residentes de cirugía general , así como una cobertura en profundidad de subespecialidades, como las cirugías de cabeza y cuello, torácica, vascular, urológica, neurológica, pediátrica y ginecológica. Incluye la versión digital de la obra original (contenido en inglés) con acceso, a través de distintos dispositivos, al texto, las figuras y la bibliografía del libro
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Handbook of Research on Teaching
Handbook of Research on Teaching
The Fifth Edition of the Handbook of Research on Teachingis an essential resource for students and scholars dedicated to the study of teaching and learning. This volume offers a vast array of topics ranging from the history of teaching to technological and literacy issues. In each authoritative chapter, the authors summarize the state of the field while providing conceptual overviews of critical topics related to research on teaching. Each of the volume's 23 chapters is a canonical piece that will serve as a reference tool for the field. The Handbook provides readers with an unaparalleled view of the current state of research on teaching across its multiple facets and related fields.
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Play, Drama & Thought
Play, Drama & Thought
This important reference work is essential reading for drama educators, therapists, and others in the helping professions. Part I considers drama from the perspective of the philosophers, from those of ancient Greece to modern times. Part II examines drama and play as seen by various schools of psychology, beginning with the depth psychology of Freud, Jung and Adler, and going on to discuss more recent schools, such as the drama therapy of Jacob Moreno. In Part III, the authors considers drama from a broader sociological and anthropological perspective, giving us a glimpse of its importance in cultures distant from each other in time and space. Part IV ties together the earlier chapters, and we see how drama relates to intuition, symbolism, and the fundamental structures of human thought.
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From Child Abuse to Foster Care
From Child Abuse to Foster Care
More than two million child abuse reports are filed annually on behalf of children in the United States. Each of the reported children becomes a concern, at least temporarily, of the professional who files the report, and each family is assessed by additional professionals. A substantial number of children in these families will subsequently enter foster care. Until now, the relationships between the performance of our child welfare system and the growth and outcomes of foster care have not been understood. In an effort to clarify them, Barth and his colleagues have synthesized the results of their longitudinal study in California of the paths taken by children after the initial abuse report: foster care, a return to their homes, or placement for adoption. Because of the outcomes of child welfare services in California have national significance, this is far more than a regional study. It provides a comprehensive picture of children's experiences in the child welfare system and a gauge of the effectiveness of that system. The policy implications of the California study have bearing on major federal and state initiatives to prevent child abuse and reduce unnecessary foster and group home care.
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Sabiston Textbook of Surgery
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery
This distinguished reference carries on a 70-year legacy as the world's most thorough, useful, readable, and understandable text on the principles and techniques of surgery. Its peerless contributors deliver all the well-rounded, state-of-the-art knowledge you need to richly grasp the pathophysiology and optimal management of every surgical condition-so you can make the best clinical decisions, avoid complications, manage unusual situations, and achieve the best possible outcomes. It is a valuable review tool for certification/recertification preparation, and an indispensable source of guidance on overcoming the challenges that arise in everyday practice. As an Expert Consult title, the thoroughly updated 18th edition comes with access to the complete contents online, fully searchable-enabling you to consult it rapidly from any computer with an Internet connection. In addition, this Premium Edition includes timely clinical updates online, plus links to MEDLINE, downloadable illustrations, bonus journal articles, review questions, and much more. Offers a more distinguished team of contributors and a better blend of clinical and basic-science information than any other source, providing you with the best possible understanding of the clinical issues surrounding every operative situation. Features a more user-friendly format, a larger and more helpful array of full-color illustrations, and a more versatile and well-constructed web site than other resources-making the answers that you need easier to locate and understand quickly. Offers an organization and content that parallels the written board American Board of Surgery exam, providing excellent preparation for certification and recertification. Includes access to the complete contents online, fully searchable, PLUS timely updates to reflect new scientific and clinical developments · references linked to MEDLINE · downloadable illustrations · bonus articles from important surgery periodicals (such as Surgical Clinics of North America, the American Journal of Surgery, Operative Techniques in General Surgery, and Seminars in Colon and Rectal Surgery) · review questions · and other valuable features. Incorporates an enhanced emphasis on surgical outcomes to mirror the growing importance of this topic. Delivers comprehensive updates to keep you current with the latest research, techniques, and emerging procedures in the field, as well as completely new chapters on "Surgical Patient Safety" and "Regenerative Medicine."
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The Law of Companies
The Law of Companies
The fourth edition of the leading company law textbook, provides the most authoritative and comprehensive commentary on Irish company law following the commencement of the Companies Act 2014. The Companies Act 2014 makes the most far-reaching and fundamental changes to Irish company law in two generations, putting forward a radically different approach whereby the private company limited by shares will become the new model company. The structure of the fourth edition of this highly regarded title mirrors this new Act. The Act comprises over 1,448 Parts and represents the modern statement of the law applicable to the formation of companies, administration and management to their winding up and dissolution, incorporating the rights and duties of their officers, members and creditors. The Act commences on 1 June 2015 and introduces significant changes for companies operating in Ireland. This work has been expanded and revised to account for these legislative changes and important case law. As chairperson of the Company Law Review Group, whose recommendations greatly informed the new Act and as a leading practitioner of company law, Tom Courtney has a unique insight to the new legislation, its purpose and interpretation.The fourth edition is virtually a complete re-write and at approximately 2,900 pages it is some 400 pages longer than the last edition. Fully updated to take account of the dozens of judgments from the Irish and UK courts that have been delivered since the previous edition as well as the new statutory provisions, the fourth edition of The Law of Companies is a 'must have' for all practitioners, students and users of Irish company law.
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SME Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Handbook
SME Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Handbook
This landmark publication distills the body of knowledge that characterizes mineral processing and extractive metallurgy as disciplinary fields. It will inspire and inform current and future generations of minerals and metallurgy professionals. Mineral processing and extractive metallurgy are atypical disciplines, requiring a combination of knowledge, experience, and art. Investing in this trove of valuable information is a must for all those involved in the industry—students, engineers, mill managers, and operators. More than 192 internationally recognized experts have contributed to the handbook’s 128 thought-provoking chapters that examine nearly every aspect of mineral processing and extractive metallurgy. This inclusive reference addresses the magnitude of traditional industry topics and also addresses the new technologies and important cultural and social issues that are important today. Contents Mineral Characterization and AnalysisManagement and ReportingComminutionClassification and WashingTransport and StoragePhysical SeparationsFlotationSolid and Liquid SeparationDisposalHydrometallurgyPyrometallurgyProcessing of Selected Metals, Minerals, and Materials
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City in the Osage Hills, Tulsa, Oklahoma
City in the Osage Hills, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Located in the Oklahoma Collection.
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