Edmunds' Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider - E-Book
Approx.860 pagesApprox.860 pages - NEW! Thoroughly updated content reflects the latest drug information and current thinking on pharmacologic management. - NEW macro- and chapter-level organization is based on body systems rather than drug classes, for better coverage of the medications prescribed for the health problems affecting specific body systems. - NEW and UNIQUE! Chapter format begins with an overview of anatomy, physiology, and disease processes — as opposed to drug classes or drug types — and then follows the World Health Organization's Process for Rational Prescribing, using a six-step approach to drug selection and discussing first-, second-, and third-line treatments for each specific problem. - NEW! Practical learning aids include: - Black Box Warning boxes that draw attention to critical drug safety precautions. - Clinical Guidelines: Bookmark This features that identify websites where updated clinical guidelines can be found. - Medication Dosages tables that include dose ranges, maintenance doses, and, where appropriate, plans for dose escalation and de-escalation (e.g., corticosteroids). - Practice Pearls boxes that highlight good prescribing practices, safety measures, follow-up recommendations, serum blood level monitoring, referrals to specialty providers, and other key prescriber tips. - NEW! Prescribing Considerations unit addresses issues of medication adherence, prescription writing, cost, and quality assurance. - NEW! Updated coverage of pain management reflects the current realities of substance use and the opioid crisis.