Educational Technology in the 21st Century
This document presents witness testimony and supplemental materials from a Congressional hearing addressing the potential as well as the affordability of educational technology and the classroom of the future, where computers and computer networks will increasingly aid teachers and facilitate learning. Those presenting prepared statements are Congressman George E. Brown, Jr., Congressman William Clay, Congressman Robert S. Walker, Congresswoman Lynn C. Woolsey, Congresswoman Constance A. Morella, and Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham. Testimony is included from: (1) Seymour Papert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; (2) Alan C. Kay, Apple Computer: (3) Chris Dede, George Mason University; (4) David E. Shaw, D. E. Shaw & Company; (5) Ed McCracken, Silicon Graphics; (6) Pat Wright, TCI Educational Technologies, Inc.; (7) Robert W. Mendenhall, K-12 Industry Division, IBM; (8) Jeff Joseph, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; (9) Deborah McGriff, Edison Project; (10) Cheryl L. Lemke, Illinois State Board of Education; and (11) Alan S. Brown, Waukegan (Illinois) Public Schools District. Appendices include: statements for the record by Albert Shanker of the American Federation of Teachers, by Shelly Weinstein of the National Education Telecommunications Organization and EDSAT Institute, and by Geoffrey Teeter of Genentech, Inc., a report from the Office of Technology Assessment entitled "Teachers & Technology--Making the Connection," and various other supplemental materials including submitted pieces of correspondence and written testimony, a summary of educational technology expenditures by the Department of Education, press releases, a list of challenge grant recipients, Presidential remarks, and news clippings. (BEW)