The Invisible World, Where the Final Battle Takes Place
Stories to Offer Hope, Deepen Faith. for Catholics who want to firm up their faith. "You get chills when you read this book. Suddenly, you understand.""A captivating reading that surprises you." IT THRILLS YOU TO DISCOVER THE HIDDEN TRUTH IN THE CHURCH."Ever since the reading of this fascinating book it is inevitable to feel that we're not alone and that we must turn our sight to God."WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? A book that every Catholic must read. This book has the IMPRIMATUR. Discover the secret that has been hidden for centuries and that not so many people want to reveal. The Catholic Church is going through some rough times, why? Who is behind this? This book pretends to wake us up and see everything that is around us, so that we can have a clear vision on why and how these scandals in our Catholic Church have exploded. What has been discovered is so cruel that our logic indicates that there's something at the bottom that we have not seen. A BOOK THAT PRETENDS TO OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE INVISIBLE WORLD IN WHERE THE GREAT BATTLE HAPPENS. In case you haven't noticed, we are in the middle of a spiritual battle. Claudio de Castro warns us about the undeniable presence of the evil one with this new book. He follows his path because of the footprints he has been leaving in the church and the world. This is a TEXT THAT IMPACTS US, one that everyone must read. We did an investigation, we met with priests and received some strong and shocking testimonies to create this book. These are some of the most shocking chapters that the book includes: DOES HE REALLY EXIST?THE GREATEST UNKNOWNTHE DEVIL'S ADVANTAGESATAN'S STRATEGYOUR REFUGEEWHEN GOD SHAKES YOUAN ENCOUNTER WITH THE VIRGIN "THE INVISIBLE WORLD" has stories, STRONG TESTIMONIES, prayers, EXPERIENCES and current comments of priests. In this book you'll find the truth that has been hidden and that few people want to see, so it's time to show them. The day we comprehend and accept the presence of the devil in the world we'll be capable of defending ourselves from his insidious and temptations. We have the weapons in our hands. We only need to take them. Claudio de Castro, the writer of this spirituality treasure, is much known among Catholic writers. This book has been revised and authorized by the authorities of the Church. IT IS INTENDED TO BECOME A BEST SELLER. Be one of the first people to read it and comment it................From the authorIt wasn't easy to write about the devil and his presence in the Church and the world. "For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the principalities and the ruling forces who are masters of the darkness in this world, the spirits of evil in the heavens." (Ephesians 6, 12).A lot of coincidences happened that left you thinking. One morning while I was sitting to start writing a tape jumps like a grasshopper to my desk. Another morning the transformer of the street exploded at the same time when I was turning on my laptop... These curious events never ceased until I finished. This is an investigation work that was done to discover the truth. During our journey we met priests, read texts that chilled you, we talked with people and listened to testimonies... you will know the final results once you read the book....Claudio de Castro (1957- ), the writer of this small spirituality treasure, is much known among Catholic writers. He is a Panamanian writer and lives in Panama. He has a lot of books of spirituality and self-help that are published in digital format and written work on Amazon. We invite you to read them.