Dear Cheryl
Here's the book that will keep you from making the same mistakes that millions have made as they navigated the rough waters of relationships. In Dear Cheryl: Advice from Tales from the Front columnist Cheryl Lavin shares her best relationship advice on subjects ranging from dealing with children to getting along with in-laws to sex. And Cheryl should know. Her nationally-syndicated column, Tales from the Front, has been running for an astonishing 30 years! In those three decades, she's heard it all, from philandering husbands to frigid wives. She's heard about the problems of meeting, the difficulties of committing and the heartbreak of divorcing. She's heard from happily married people about what they were doing right and from unhappily partnered people about what they were doing wrong. About relationship that survived decades of struggle and those that couldn't make it through a three-day weekend. Lovers who got away and lovers who wouldn't leave. And based on everything she's learned in that time, Cheryl gives advice that's both wise and witty. She isn't afraid to tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear, however much it may hurt. "Sometimes people are hoping against hope that I'll tell them that despite all evidence to the contrary, their significant other really does love them or really isn't cheating or really will commit one day," says Cheryl. "They need a cold reality shower and I turn on the spray." Everyday, millions of times a day, people are meeting, falling in love, falling out of love, marrying, divorcing, having their hearts broken and starting all over again. And when they run into a rough spot, they can write to Dear Cheryl. Dear Cheryl: Advice from Tales from the Front is the best of those columns. Order your copy now and you won't make the same mistakes as so many of Cheryl's readers.