The Master Key System
Complete and original text: including foreword by F.H. Burgess, author's introduction, psychological chart, twenty-four parts with study questions, glossary, correspondents questionnaire, and comprehensive index. The Master Key System was originally published in 1912 as a 24 week correspondence course, and first published in book form in 1916. It was Mr. Haanel's intention that readers of his book approach it not as though it were a novel, but rather embrace the contents of one part individually, each week, for 24 weeks. In this way, there is opportunity to comprehend the full meaning of each phrase, and each part, even if it's necessary to read them several times. With every reading The Master Key unlocks new doors to the secrets of the Universe, secrets that we already possess, You and I, yet perhaps have forgotten along the way. In the modern, fast-paced, hectic world of today there will be temptation to rush through the pages, to receive and review more than one part in a weeks time. Resist the temptation to do this. Go slowly. This is not a race. There is great power in this book, the same power that is within all of us, and in the words of the author, "You need not acquire this power. You already have it. But you want to understand it, you want to use it, you want to control it, you want to impregnate yourself with it, so that you can go forward, and carry the world before you." These are not idle words. They are a call to action, that each and every one of us assume our responsibilities as Human and Spiritual beings in order to create a harmonious world, a world of joy, power and abundance. As you reach deep into the beauty of this book, allow it to become a part of you. Scribble your thoughts in the space provided throughout its pages, fold down corners to mark your favorite passages, add to its content with writing or pictures of your own. Fill it with your life. Make it your own. Soon enough there will be no need to pass this book forward. Your life will reflect the wisdom you are about to embrace.