Remember Me
A nonfiction book about an angelic visitation, in the fall of 2016. I was shown by an angel of the Lord a golden cup. It was beautiful, not ornamental at all, and it was brilliantly bright gold. No handles on it. The angel turned it completely around and then extended it to me, and the word "see" came upon my heart. It was then exactly 7 months later when I was told to flush the cups of four golden ones, down the toilets. Truly I say to you, four golden cups, showed up, in the spirit in a bathroom, in two toilets, two in each toilet. So I did, I flushed them down those toilets. The cup of remembrance that Jesus gave to his disciples at the last supper, was his last will and testament for all who believe him. It is in prophecies. For it has been forgotten in past generations, being put on the back burners in bible studies and the lives of those who profess to be his followers, and forgetting to read their bibles. Even so, in times past was even made an idol, that the cup itself held the power, so much so, that it has been hunted down, written about in Christian books, and enshrined with ornamental replicas, the name given it would be that called the Holly Grail. Lord Jesus never meant for the actual cup he used to become the focal point. As a testimony to the Lord Jesus and his power, it's not the cup or golden chalice, for I, a believer, and great lover of Jesus, for he gave me, communion, his holy bread and wine in the form of a chocolate chip cookie and a soda. My heart sings for joy as I write this book in the remembering of that day. Holy Spirit gave me this life giving sup, on a park bench outside of a Walmart, one beautiful day, just outside of Birmingham, Alabama that is. I lifted up each one, starting with the cookie, I broke it in half and partook of it, then I lifted up the soda and blessed it with the directions of the Holy Spirit. I then took a sup..... In Remembrance Of. The Lord is calling His children back, to drink the Cup of Remembrance. One Cup, that's all, not three or four or five at all. For unity is what Jesus is calling for, this scripture tells exactly what Jesus is saying in these last days. In Ephesians 2:15 it is written, "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace." (15) I am also to write this scripture after he gave me 333. Holy Spirit led me to John 3:33, it is written, He that hath received his testimony has set to his seal that God is true. (33) May God Bless you And Keep You A.Catherine Rush