A Bloody Song
Growing up in a fractious household in working-class Brooklyn, my mother dreamt of living in France, of experiencing “civilization.” As for myself, molded by the gloomy obsessions of the adults around me, I sought refuge as a child in a Japanese anime titled Lady Oscar, and its story of a woman forced into the role of military officer for the royal guard at Versailles. Very personal in tone, A Bloody Song examines the enduring mystery of “time travel”, leading from an adult’s awakening into the enchanted world of childhood and back again. It explores the major themes and imagery in the celebrated anime Lady Oscar and comments on those of The Rose of Versailles, the manga it is based on. The essay also proposes to examine these motifs through a comparative study of Nobel-prize winning Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day. Divided into eight distinct parts, or themes, A Bloody Song offers a glimpse into the rich, ancient culture and literature of Japan via one of its most famous animes and mangas. In this way, it aims to elucidate the adult themes concealed within the dark, fairytale realm of a cherished girlhood series. My main reason for revisiting this world is this: to save a favourite animated character from feeling abandoned. As I once did. As we all sometimes do. “I enjoyed [the read]—simultaneously very academic and well-written.” —Morris Berman, author of Neurotic Beauty: An Outsider Looks at Japan “The best tribute to a favorite manga and anime is to analyze it, delving into its influences, insights, and impact. Caroline Kerjean does this beautifully in her personal, passionate, powerful essay about Rose of Versailles (Lady Oscar).” —Alisa Freedman, Professor of Japanese Literature and Film, University of Oregon and Editor-in-Chief of the U.S.-Japan Women's Journal “I was impressed by Kerjean's clear, graceful writing and the wonderful diversity of sources she brings to bear on her topic.” —Wendy Steiner, author of The Trouble with Beauty “There is quite a lot to say about this wonderfully rich and evocative book!” —Nathalie Nadaud-Albertini, CREM, Université de Lorraine “Wonderful book. I was especially struck by Kerjean's explanation of koi. I know the feeling...” —Andrew Feenberg, author of Nishida, Kawabata and the Japanese Response to Modernity