The life expectancy of a transsexual in Brazil is only 35 years. The social intolerance to which they are subjected begins at school, where they are victims of bullying, which leads them to drop out of school. Without qualifications or professional specialization, many of them, thrown out of their homes as children, join the ranks of homeless minors who, in order to survive, turn to prostitution and drugs, where they become victims of all types of violence, persecution, death threats, street murders, or even commit suicide. The most capable in the fight for survival invest in hormone treatments and plastic surgery to transform themselves into a female body that guarantees them greater success in prostitution. The most successful in their transformation acquire the forms of statuesque women, feminine features and even a woman's voice. Escaping the intolerance and persecution in Brazil, they are now present throughout Europe and the USA, where they are better accepted and in high demand. The gateway to Europe is Portugal, where the fact that they speak the same language makes their lives easier. This story follows the journey of a Brazilian transsexual from his childhood in the Amazon to a decent social ascencion in Portugal.