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Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
Carl Friedrich Gauss’s textbook, Disquisitiones arithmeticae, published in 1801 (Latin), remains to this day a true masterpiece of mathematical examination. .
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Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke: Bd. Mathematische Physik (various texts, in Latin and German, orig. publ. between 1803-1845, annotated by E.J. Schering). 1867
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Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke: Bd. Analysis (various texts, in Latin and German, orig. publ. between 1799-1851, or found in the "Nachlass"; annotated by E.J. Schering). 1866 [i.e. 1868
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Carl Friedrich Gauss
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Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke: Bd. Theoria motus corporum coelestium (editorial notes by Ernst Julius Schering dated 1871) 1906
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Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke ...
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Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke: Bd. Astronomie (various texts, in Latin and German, orig. publ. between 1802-1852, annotated by E.J. Schering). 1874
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Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke: Bd. Höhere Arithmetik (various texts, in Latin and German, orig. publ. between 1808-1831, annotated by R. Dedekind and E.J. Schering). 1866
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Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke: Bd. Disquisitiones arithmeticae (in Latin, ed. by E.J. Schering). 1863 [a second ed., "Zweiter Abdruck", was published in 1870
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General Investigations of Curved Surfaces of 1827 and 1825
General Investigations of Curved Surfaces of 1827 and 1825 by Carl Friedrich Gauss
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