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A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians
A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians
A document outlining a conceptual framework for health (called the "Health Field Concept") comprising four main elements: human biology, environment, lifestyle and health care organization which led to national and international initiatives in knowledge development, health promotion, health protection and health care.
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Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, Canadian Edition
Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, Canadian Edition
**Each new print copy of Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, Canadian Seventh Edition also includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. Learn more at Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets, Seventh Edition transforms the legendary paramedic textbook first developed by Dr. Caroline in the early 1970s into the premier paramedic education program. The Paramedic Association of Canada is proud to continue this legacy and set the new gold standard for paramedic education. The Seventh Edition reflects the collective experience of its top flight Canadian author team and decades of street wisdom. This fully updated edition addresses the National Occupational Competency Profiles with clarity and precision in a concise format that ensures student comprehension and encourages critical thinking. This edition emphasizes the notion that becoming a paramedic must be a pursuit of excellence. Concepts of team leadership and professionalism are woven throughout the chapters, challenging students to become compassionate, conscientious health care professionals as well as superior clinicians. This edition also broadens the traditional boundaries to include new and emerging areas of paramedic practice. Current, State-of-the-Art Medical Content The Seventh Edition includes in-depth coverage of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology to form an advanced understanding of the human body and disease processes expected of today’s paramedic. Three new chapters have been added to this edition: Community Paramedicine, Research and Quality, and Mechanical Ventilation. The first two represent areas of growth in the scope, role, and importance of paramedics in an integrated health care system. The third acknowledges the paramedics' ability to provide advanced therapies prior to arrival at the hospital, and a growing reliance on paramedics in transfer of critically ill patients in a regionalized delivery of care. Clear Approach to Patient Assessment and Management The Seventh Edition teaches and reinforces the concept of patient assessment with a single, comprehensive chapter, ensuring that students understand patient assessment as a single, integrated process—the way that providers actually practice it in the field. Each clinical chapter reinforces the steps of the patient assessment process within the context of the illnesses or injuries discussed in the chapter. Strong Application to Real-World EMS Patient case studies evolve throughout every chapter, offering students a genuine context for the application of the knowledge presented. This approach shows the student how all of the information will be used to help patients in the field. An additional case concludes each chapter and presents critical-thinking questions to cement the chapter’s concepts. Accessible Language Since the first edition published in 1
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Trace Elements in Man and Animals--9
Trace Elements in Man and Animals--9
Presents papers from an international meeting of specialists from a variety of disciplines sharing an interest in trace elements. The papers are organized into broad categories covering such topics as trace element interactions in the food supply and nutrition; trace elements and genetic regulation; trace elements in pregnancy and lactation; assessment of trace element status; kinetic modelling; trace elements in the environment and food supply; trace elements, brain function, and behaviour; membrane function and cell signalling; analytical, experimental, and isotopic techniques; ethics of trace element research; defining trace element requirements of infants; trace element intervention studies; trace elements and animal production, free-radical mediated disease, and food and nutrition policy; analytical quality control; infection and immune function; trace element binding proteins; trace elements in growth and metabolism; mechanisms of trace element toxicity; and metabolic and physiological consequences of trace element deficiencies.
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