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When Everything's on Fire
When Everything's on Fire
Is it possible to hold on to faith in an age of unbelief? Written with personal and pastoral experience, Brian Zahnd extends an invitation to move beyond the crisis of faith toward the journey of reconstruction. As the world rapidly changes in ways that feel incompatible with Christianity, this book provides much-needed hope that a stronger, more confident faith is possible.
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Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God
Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God
Pastor Brian Zahnd began "to question the theology of a wrathful God who delights in punishing sinners, and has started to explore the real nature of Jesus and His Father. The book isn’t only an interesting look at the context of some modern theological ideas; it’s also offers some profound insight into God’s love and eternal plan." —Relevant Magazine (Named one of the Top 10 Books of 2017) God is wrath? Or God is Love? In his famous sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” Puritan revivalist Jonathan Edwards shaped predominating American theology with a vision of God as angry, violent, and retributive. Three centuries later, Brian Zahnd was both mesmerized and terrified by Edwards’s wrathful God. Haunted by fear that crippled his relationship with God, Zahnd spent years praying for a divine experience of hell. What Zahnd experienced instead was the Father’s love—revealed perfectly through Jesus Christ—for all prodigal sons and daughters. In Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God, Zahnd asks important questions like: Is seeing God primarily as wrathful towards sinners true or biblical? Is fearing God a normal expected behavior? And where might the natural implications of this theological framework lead us? Thoughtfully wrestling with subjects like Old Testament genocide, the crucifixion of Jesus, eternal punishment in hell, and the final judgment in Revelation, Zanhd maintains that the summit of divine revelation for sinners is not God is wrath, but God is love.
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What To Do On The Worst Day Of Your Life
What To Do On The Worst Day Of Your Life
No one wants trouble to come. But when it does (and it always does), you can recover…you can prevail.
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Beauty Will Save the World
Beauty Will Save the World
In today’s world we have technology, convenience, security, and a measure of prosperity, but where is the beauty? For thousands of years, artists, sages, philosophers, and theologians have connected the beautiful and the sacred and identified art with our longing for God. Now we live in a day when convenience and practicality have largely displaced beauty as a value. The church is no exception. Even salvation is commonly viewed in a scientific and mechanistic manner and presented as a plan, system, or formula. In Beauty Will Save the World, Brian Zahnd presents the argument that this loss of beauty as a principal value has been disastrous for Western culture, and especially for the church. The full message of the beauty of the gospel has been replaced by our desires to satisfy our material needs, to empirically prove our faith, and to establish political power in our world--the exact same things that Christ was tempted with and rejected in the wilderness. Zahnd shows that by following the teachings of the Beatitudes, the church can become a viable alternative to current-day political, commercial, and religious power and can actually achieve what these powers promise to provide but fail to deliver. Using stories from the lives of St. Francis of Assisi and from his own life, he teaches us to stay on the journey to discover the kingdom of God in a fuller, richer, more beautiful, way.
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Radical Forgiveness
Radical Forgiveness
DIVPreviously published as Unconditional? In this book readers will be confronted with the stark reality of how deeply we need to reach within to really show Christlike forgiveness and mercy to those to whom we may feel least inclined to offer forgiveness or mercy. /div
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The Great Spiritual Migration
The Great Spiritual Migration
The Christian story, from Genesis until now, is fundamentally about people on the move—outgrowing old, broken religious systems and embracing new, more redemptive ways of life. It’s time to move again. Brian McLaren, a leading voice in contemporary religion, argues that— notwithstanding the dire headlines about the demise of faith and drop in church attendance—Christian faith is not dying. Rather, it is embarking on a once-in-an-era spiritual shift. For millions, the journey has already begun. Drawing from his work as global activist, pastor, and public theologian, McLaren challenges readers to stop worrying, waiting, and indulging in nostalgia, and instead, to embrace the powerful new understandings that are reshaping the church. In The Great Spiritual Migration, he explores three profound shifts that define the change: ∙ Spiritually, growing numbers of Christians are moving away from defining themselves by lists of beliefs and toward a way of life defined by love ∙ Theologically, believers are increasingly rejecting the image of God as a violent Supreme Being and embracing the image of God as the renewing Spirit at work in our world for the common good ∙ Missionally, the faithful are identifying less with organized religion and more with organizing religion—spiritual activists dedicated to healing the planet, building peace, overcoming poverty and injustice, and collaborating with other faiths to ensure a better future for all of us With his trademark brilliance and compassion, McLaren invites readers to seize the moment and set out on the most significant spiritual pilgrimage of our time: to help Christianity become more Christian.
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The Question of Forgiveness
The Question of Forgiveness
In this little book, we discover that if Christianity isn’t about forgiveness, it’s about nothing at all.
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Radical Forgiveness
Radical Forgiveness
DIVPreviously published as Unconditional? In this book readers will be confronted with the stark reality of how deeply we need to reach within to really show Christlike forgiveness and mercy to those to whom we may feel least inclined to offer forgiveness or mercy. /div
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Quando tudo está em chamas
Quando tudo está em chamas
A complexidade do mundo apresenta desafios agudos para a fé cristã. A solução religiosa parece frágil e incapaz de apresentar respostas seguras para o cristão e a cristã que se vê diante de um contexto influenciado pelo secularismo, o ceticismo e o cinismo generalizado. O que a fé cristã tem a dizer sobre um mundo violento e desigual, mas que ao mesmo tempo desfruta de avanços científicos notáveis? Como trazer Deus de volta para essa equação, quando nossa visão de mundo está prestes a colapsar? Brian Zahnd oferece alternativas para revigorar a fé, fazendo-a renascer das cinzas. Mostra o caminho para uma jornada de reconstrução, pavimentado pelo retorno autêntico a Jesus de Nazaré. O Cristo ressuscitado, em sua inigualável beleza e verdade, é plenamente capaz de nos fortalecer para interagir com o presente. Em tom pastoral e compassivo, Brian Zahnd revela porque tem sido apontado com uma voz lúcida e cristocêntrica capaz de trazer paz e esperança àqueles cuja fé está sendo provada ao limite.
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17 Roadblocks on the Highway of Life
17 Roadblocks on the Highway of Life
Purchase includes free access to book updates online and a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Chapters: Iran-iraq War, Military-Industrial Complex, Arms Industry, Rakon, Us/saudi Awacs Sale, National Defense Industrial Association, Training Within Industry, Action Target, United States Foreign Military Financing, Dsei, United States Security Assistance Organizations, Canadian Arms Trade, Khyber Pass Copy, Military-Industrial Commission of Russia, Arab Organization for Industrialization, Defense Industry of Russia, Ministry of Defence Industry of Azerbaijan, United States Military Aid, Hybricon Corporation, International Defence Exhibition, Military-Industrial-Media Complex, Meteor Zavod, Foreign Military Sales, Paradigm Technologies, Milipol, Association for Enterprise Information, Eurosatory, Low Rate Initial Production. Excerpt: In 1990} Photo Galleries ... More:
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