Grace & Truth Volume 2, Second Edition
Updated and revised with subject and scripture index.Grace & Truth Volume 2 is a collection of theological essays on Bible interpretation, aiming to edify believers. It features contributions from various authors, covering diverse aspects of hermeneutics and theological methodology. The book emphasizes a literal, grammatical, historical approach to Bible study, advocating for a dispensational worldview. Specific topics addressed include the importance of proper interpretation, the nature of inspiration, different interpretative methods (allegorical, historical-grammatical, trinitarian, deconstruction, complementary), and the application of these methods to various biblical passages (e.g., Genesis 1-3, John 6:24-71, Revelation 2-3, Matthew 16 and the parables). The book also discusses the importance of a proper theological method which uses the Bible itself as its authority, prioritizing a consistent approach across scriptures and avoiding subjective or arbitrary interpretations.