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Social Problems
Social Problems
The new Seventh Edition of Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social Action goes beyond the typical presentation of contemporary social problems and their consequences by emphasizing the importance and effectiveness of community involvement to achieve real solutions.
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Social Problems
Empower your students to become part of the solution. The new Seventh Edition of Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social Action by Anna Leon-Guerrero goes beyond the typical presentation of contemporary social problems and their consequences by emphasizing the importance and effectiveness of community involvement to achieve real solutions. With a clear and upbeat tone, this thought-provoking text challenges readers to see the social and structural forces that determine our social problems; to consider various policies and programs that attempt to address these problems; and to recognize and learn how they can be part of the solution to social problems in their own community.
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Inequality endangers the fabric of our societies, distorts the functioning of democracy, and derails the globalization process. Yet, it has only recently been recognized as a problem worth examining. Why has this issue been neglected for so long? In Inequality: A Short History, Michele Alacevich and Anna Soci discuss the emergence of the inequality question in the twentieth century and explain how it is related to current issues such as globalization and the survival of democracy. The authors also discuss trends and the future of inequality. Inequality is a pressing issue that not only affects living standards, but is also inextricably linked to the way our democracies work.
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Social Statistics for a Diverse Society
Social Statistics for a Diverse Society
Order the SPSS Student Version (ISBN: 978-1-4129-6883-6) of this text and your students will be able to practice SPSS (version 16.0)áon their laptops in the convenience of their dorm rooms (rather than in the computer labs) for just $25 more than the text alone.In this Fifth Edition of their best-selling Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, Chava Frankfort-Nachmias and Anna Leon-Guerrero use straightforward, conversational prose and emphasize common sense as they demonstrate the link between the practice of statistics and important social issues. Social Statistics for a Diverse Society helps students learn key sociological concepts through real research examples related to the dynamic relationship between race, class, gender, and other social variables. An emphasis on SPSS® for Windows (version 16.0) throughout the book, in conjunction with General Social Survey data, introduces one of the most commonly used analytical software packages in the field. Each chapter ends with a demonstration of a related SPSS procedure, along with a set of useful exercises to help students practice what they learn. New and Retained FeaturesNew and updated real-world examples, drawn from a wide range of sources, including news stories, government reports, scholarly research, the National Opinion Research Center General Social Survey and the Monitoring the Future Survey, help students combine an understanding of statistics with an increased understanding of social issues Significant student-friendly reorganization of the text provides descriptive and inferential statistics in discrete units first, followed by coverage of data analysis Updated statistical applications in examples now include social issues beyond race and gender, such as class and mobility Reading the Research Literature sections in most chapters help students read and interpret statistical information in professional and scholarly publications Fully revitalized learning aids, including new end-of-chapter exercises, Learning Checks, and Statistics in Practice and A Closer Look boxes A new data set available on the Study Site applies to criminology and social work research issues Ancillaries Instructor Resources on CD-Rom feature a new test bank with a wide variety of test questions, PowerPoint slides for each chapter, illustrations from the book, and teaching tips. Contact Customer Care at 1-800-818-SAGE (7243). A Student study site at contains interactive quizzes, e-flashcards, data sets, online research activities, SAGE journal articles and more. Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, Fifth Edition is appropriate for use in Introduction to Statistics, Social Statistics, Research Methods and Data Analysis courses in all of the social sciences. á
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Contemporary Readings in Social Problems
Contemporary Readings in Social Problems
Companion reader to Anna Leon-Guerrero's Social Problems - 2nd Edition.
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BUNDLE: Leon-Guerrero: Social Problems, 3e + Leon-Guerrero: Social Problems: Interactive E-Book
BUNDLE: Leon-Guerrero: Social Problems, 3e + Leon-Guerrero: Social Problems: Interactive E-Book
Bundle the Print Version of Social Problems, Third Edition with the Interactive E-Book for Free! Social Problems, Third Edition With an engaging writing style that has made it a popular choice at both 2- and 4-year schools, the Third Edition of Anna Leon-Guerrero’s Social Problems textbook clearly presents contemporary social problems and addresses their consequences while emphasizing community involvement by both individuals and groups to achieve real solutions. With an overarching focus on social inequalities, this proven text provides a platform for discussion that encourages critical thinking through compelling illustrations, boxed features, learning checks, discussion questions, and online learning tools, all designed to inspire hope rather than simply present a disheartening parade of maladies. Interactive E-Book This dynamic new format is ideal for students in online and traditional courses who prefer a more contemporary, multimedia-integrated presentation for learning. It provides students with integrated links to engaging video and audio as well as access to complete academic and professional articles, all from the same pages found in the printed text. Students will also have immediate access to study tools such as highlighting, bookmarking, note-taking, an interactive glossary, and more!
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Everybody Loved Anna
388 pages large print, first large print printing - pictures 6.69x 9.61
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The Places Where Community Is Practiced
The Places Where Community Is Practiced
In this open access publication, the social cohesion of urban neighborhoods and their residents is examined, which is often viewed as vulnerable since increased mobility, individualization, wider socio-economic and demographic changes have fundamentally altered the basis for everyday social interaction in urban neighborhoods. Anna Steigemann gives scholarly attention to the concrete places where neighborly interactions still take place and to how these interactions affect local community building. She illuminates and explores the ordinary everyday interactions and social practices in and around shops and gastronomic facilities on a shopping street in Berlin-Neukölln, revealing how these businesses are important places where community is practiced, but also why they are increasingly threatened by commercial and residential gentrification.
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Fiction and Social Research
Fiction and Social Research
This volume brings together writers from a variety of disciplines to explore and illustrate the possibilities of new narrative forms in social research. The book is arranged into four areas of concern: representation, subjectivity, critique, and postmodern discourse.
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