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Ana Maria Pacheco
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"Amid an alarming rise in xenophobia, Ana Maria Spagna stumbled upon a story: one day in 1875, on a high bluff over the Columbia River, a group of local Indigenous people murdered a large number of Chinese Miners and pushed their bodies off a cliff into the river. The incident was dubbed the Chelan falls Massacre. Despite having lived in the area for decades, Spagna had never before heard of this event. In Pushed, she sets out to discover what really happened and why. Her eye-opening investigative journey replaces convenient narratives of the American West with nuance and complexity, revealing the danger in forgetting or remembering atrocities when history is murky and asking what allegiance to a place requires"--Back cover.
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Ana Maria Pacheco
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Ana Maria Pacheco
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School of the Sun
School of the Sun
A Spanish writer's approach by the intimist route to the still unassuaged griefs of the Civil War...What happens is that the protected bourgeois world in which it is possible to go on with the pretext of childishness at fourteen is split open by the realities of war, or, rather, the realities of which the war is the expression.
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Fireflies, although set in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War, could readily take place in a bellicose situation anywhere in the world. It contains an exposé of the chasm between generations, between rich and poor, between materialism and idealism. This novel has a socioeconomic/psychological relevance that leaves the reader pondering the consequences of war and the nugatory effects of imposing status quo values on adolescents who are in search of their own truth, their raison d'être. The story centers on the lives of two adolescents from opposite levels of society whose redemption lies in their short-lived mutual love, which ends tragically.
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Ana Maria Pacheco
Ana Maria Pacheco
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Ana Maria Pacheco
Ana Maria Pacheco
In 1999, as artist-in-residence at London's National Gallery, Pacheco exhibited her installation Dark Night of the Soul. It gained her a reputation as a pioneering artist. This book examines the inspiration for and development of the work in words and photographs.
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