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Pediatric Dermatopathology and Dermatology
Pediatric Dermatopathology and Dermatology
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Pediatric Dermatopathology and Dermatology is a unique reference highlighting both the histopathology and clinical presentation of common and uncommon pediatric skin disorders. This user-friendly reference is ideal for dermatopathologists and pathologists and of special interest to pediatric dermatologists and general dermatologists. With a global perspective, skin disorders that affect children world-wide are presented. Thousands of full-color histopathology slides and clinical photos accompany concise, templated text for each pediatric skin disorder.
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Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems
Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems
Comprehensive resource describing both fundamentals and practical industry applications of antennas and radio propagation employed in modern wireless communication systems The newly revised and thoroughly updated Third Edition of this classic and popular text, Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems addresses fundamentals and practical applications of antennas and radio propagation commonly used in modern wireless communication systems, from the basic electromagnetic principles to the characteristics of the technology employed in the most recent systems deployed, with an outlook of forthcoming developments in the field. Core topics include fundamental electromagnetic principles underlying propagation and antennas, basic concepts of antennas and their application to specific wireless systems, propagation measurement, modelling, and prediction for fixed links, macrocells, microcells, femtocells, picocells, megacells, and narrowband and wideband channel modelling with the effect of the channel on communication system performance. Worked examples and specific assignments for students are presented throughout the text (with a solutions manual available for course tutors), with a dedicated website containing online calculators and additional resources, plus details of simple measurements that students can perform with off-the-shelf equipment, such as their laptops and a Wi-Fi card. This Third Edition of Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems has been thoroughly revised and updated, expanding on and adding brand new coverage of sample topics such as: Maxwell’s equations and EM theory, multiple reflections as propagation mechanisms, and waveguiding HAPS (High Altitude Platforms) propagation, design and noise considerations of earth stations, macrocell models, and cellular base station site engineering FSS (frequency selective surfaces), adaptive antenna theory developments (massive and distributed MIMO in particular), and how to process raw data related to channel measurements for mobile radio systems The techniques used in mobile systems spanning the latest 4G, 5G and 6G technology generations A wider range of frequencies, extending from HF, VHF and UHF up to the latest millimetre wave and sub terahertz bands With comprehensive coverage of foundational subject matter as well as major recent advancements in the field, Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems is an essential resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, and industry engineers in related disciplines.
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Central Banking in Latin America
Central Banking in Latin America
Latin America’s central banks have made substantial progress towards delivering an environment of price stability that is supportive of sustainable economic growth. We review these achievements, and discuss remaining challenges facing central banking in the region. Where inflation remains high and volatile, achieving durable price stability will require making central banks more independent. Where inflation targeting regimes are well-established, remaining challenges surround assessments of economic slack, the communication of monetary policy, and clarifying the role of the exchange rate. Finally, macroprudential policies must be coordinated with existing objectives, and care taken to preserve the primacy of price stability.
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Hematopathology of the Skin
Hematopathology of the Skin
The most comprehensive reference book on diagnosing cutaneous hematologic disorders available, Hematopathology of the Skin: Clinical and Pathological Approach, 2nd Edition, provides interdisciplinary guidance from more than 40 global experts in the fields of dermatopathology, dermatology, hematopathology, and hemato/oncology. Edited by Dr. Alejandro A. Gru, Dr. András Schaffer, and Dr. Alistair Robson, this concise yet comprehensive reference features a logical, consistent format heavily illustrated with high-quality clinical and pathological images throughout. Unparalleled in scope, it is a well-written, easy-to-follow resource for clinicians who care for patients with cutaneous hematologic neoplasms.
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Peru stands out among Latin American countries as an example of successful economic reforms over the past decade. This comprehensive look at Peru's economy traces that country's journey from a debt crisis in the 1980s to having buffers in place that allowed it to emerge unscathed from the global financial crisis. The book examines the steps Peru undertook to achieve these results and extracts lessons to be learned. Chapters are written by IMF staff and Peruvian economists.
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Value, Money and Capital
Value, Money and Capital
The book presents a high-impact re-reading of core topics in the Marx and Marxist debates including: value theory, the commodity nature of money, complex or skilled labour, the determination of the value of labour-power and the nature of extraordinary surplus-value. Drawing on this literature, the book provides original and innovative insights into key controversies in contemporary capitalism such as the increasingly intellectual character of commodity-producing labour, the emergence of global value chains, the relevance of ground-rent bearing commodities, and the specific, uneven developmental dynamics of "resource-rich" countries in the global process of capital accumulation. Contributing to the renewed vitality of critical studies of the economic works of Karl Marx, this book will be essential reading for all those interested in contemporary debates within Marxism, as well as readers of political economy, economics, development studies and economic sociology.
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The Long-Run Impact of Sovereign Yields on Corporate Yields in Emerging Markets
The Long-Run Impact of Sovereign Yields on Corporate Yields in Emerging Markets
We analyze the long-run impact of emerging-market sovereign bond yields on corporate bond yields, finding that the average pass-through is around one. The pass-through is larger in countries with greater sovereign risks and where sovereign bonds are more liquid. It is also greater for corporate bonds with lower ratings, shorter maturities, and for those issued by financial companies and government-related firms. Our results support theoretical arguments that corporate and sovereign yields are linked together through credit risks and liquidity premiums. Consequently, high sovereign risks may slowdown growth by persistently increasing private sector borrowing costs.
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