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The Quaestorship in the Roman Republic
The Quaestorship in the Roman Republic
The lack of evidence has proved to be the greatest obstacle involved in reconstructing the quaestorship and has probably discouraged scholars from undertaking a large-scale study of the office. As a consequence, a comprehensive study of the quaestorship has long been a desideratum: this book aims to fill this gap in the scholarship. The book contains a study of the quaestorship throughout the Roman Republic, both in Italy (particularly at Rome) and in the overseas provinces. It includes a history of the office, an analysis of its role within the cursus honorum and its larger importance for the Roman constitution as well as the prosopography of all quaestors known during the Republican period based on the literary, epigraphic and numismatic evidence. The quaestorship was always an office for beginners who aspired to follow a political career and hence served as institutional entrance to the senate. Despite their youth, quaestors were endowed with functions of great significance at Rome and abroad, such as the control and supervision of Rome’s finances. As the book shows, the quaestorship was a prominent and essential part of the Roman administration.
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Maximino Avila Camacho and the One-Party State
Maximino Avila Camacho and the One-Party State
Maximino Avila Camacho and the One-Party State: The Taming of Caudillismo and Caciquismo in Post-Revolutionary Mexico is a political biography of General Maximino Avila Camacho (1891D1945), one of the most powerful regional politicians in Mexico from 1935 to 1945. He was a member of an officially sponsored party, known today as the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which claimed to represent the goals of the Mexican Revolution (1910D1921) and which managed to win most federal and regional elections from 1929 until its first presidential defeat in 2000. Maximino (as he is commonly known) became a powerful politician at the time when the official party effectively transformed the Mexican political system from one based on the personal power of regional strongmen and political bosses relying on clientelistic networks (popularly known as 'caudillos' and 'caciques') to a modern one based on a centralized civilian administration supported by institutions. The story of Maximino, the powerful cacique of the state of Puebla, demonstrates that the emergence of the one-party-dominated Mexican state did not destroy caudillos and caciques but simply controlled them. Specifically, it shows how the official party incorporated these leaders and their authoritarian practices into the state's political machinery. The result was 71 years of one-party political domination based on a political culture that emphasized patronage, favoritism, corruption, coercion and co-optation. By tracing Maximino's career, from revolutionary soldier to powerful political leader, we learn how and why the goals that had originally inspired the 'party of the revolution'—primarily democracy and social justice—were sacrificed in order to empower it.
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The People’s Dictator
The People’s Dictator
This book is the first major biography of General Miguel Primo de Rivera, dictator of Spain between 1923 and 1930, who played a key role in the shaping of a counterrevolutionary Europe in the interwar era. Following new historiographical trends, this book combines biographical experiences of the dictator with a sociopolitical reading of the dictatorship to reflect on the configuration of national, political, and gender identities at individual and group levels. It challenges traditional readings of Primo de Rivera as a benign, non-ideological leader who established a paternalistic dictatorship, instead showing an astute and ambitious politician who created a nationalist, highly repressive, authoritarian regime profoundly influenced by Italian fascism. The monograph also explores Primo de Rivera's role as the creator of right-wing populism in Spain, who portrayed politicians and judges as enemies of the Spanish people, used 'fake news' in his propaganda machine, and presented himself as a charismatic leader ready to destroy the liberal elites. This book is intended for scholars and students specialising in Spanish history and politics, along with those interested in nationalism, populism, far-right movements, Fascism, dictators and authoritarian regimes in twentieth-century European history. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution‐Non Commercial‐No Derivatives (CC‐BY‐NC‐ND) 4.0 license.
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Escultura Barroca Española. Las historias de la escultura Barroca Española
Escultura Barroca Española. Las historias de la escultura Barroca Española
No es una, sino muchas las historias de la escultura barroca española. Tradicionalmente bajo el apelativo "escultura barroca española" o "historia de la escultura barroca española", se han escrito los grandes relatos historiográficos nacionales que tienen que ver con estos menesteres.
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Operativo Patagonia
Operativo Patagonia
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A Nation for All
A Nation for All
Argues that racism and antiracism continue to coexist in Cuban nationalism and society despite its fight for freedom, and describes the limitations Afro-Cubans face in job access, education, and political representation.
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El Obispo Diego Ramírez de Villaescusa y su papel como mecenas de las artes.
El Obispo Diego Ramírez de Villaescusa y su papel como mecenas de las artes.
Este texto constituye una aportación clave para entender la política de la monarquía española en unos años de cambio y transición, entre los gobiernos de los Reyes Católicos y de Carlos V. La figura política y el papel de mecenas de Diego Ramírez de Villaescusa, su formación intelectual, política, artística y cultural; sus servicios a la monarquía y su vinculación con la corte; su labor pastoral, sus aspiraciones por el capelo cardenalicio y sus numerosos patrocinios artísticos determinan la importancia de este personaje para entender el devenir histórico de la monarquía española en las primeras décadas del siglo XVI. En estos análisis se conjugan magistralmente los estudios de la corte con la historia cultural y ahonda en el significado de la biografía política, más allá de los trabajos clásicos decimonónicos, vinculando al personaje con su época y con la labor realizada. La rigurosa consulta de fuentes primarias en archivos españoles y extranjeros y una exhaustiva puesta al día bibliográfica constituyen por sí mismos un elemento valioso y fundamental de este trabajo.
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Cuidado colectivo y personas mayores. Estudios de caso en México, España y Uruguay
Cuidado colectivo y personas mayores. Estudios de caso en México, España y Uruguay
En este libro se profundiza en los hallazgos de una investigación que recurrió a estudios de caso desplegados en escenarios nacionales e internacionales, específicamente en México, Uruguay y España. En sus diez capítulos, se examina la situación de las personas mayores y sus demandas de cuidado, las diversas exigencias al cuidar de los otros y los códigos culturales que involucran esta función. Propone, por tanto, un diálogo sobre la inminente necesidad de generar cambios sobre las formas de pensar, sentir y actuar respecto al proceso del envejecimiento y la vejez. (ITESO), (ITESO, Universidad)
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Hijos con altas capacidades
Hijos con altas capacidades
Los autores sostienen que detrás de una persona con altas capacidades, existe una persona altamente sensible, aspecto que no suele ser tenido en cuenta y que ocasiona muchas dificultades y dolores de cabeza a los educadores, sobre todo a los padres. Desde esta perspectiva, este libro ofrece una nueva mirada al tema de la sobredotación o altas capacidades, con un punto de vista positivo (porque no se trata de un problema, o no tiene por qué serlo) y sumamente práctico, que servirá de guía a los padres.
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