Leaves of Faith
Where its predecessor dwelt primarily upon the content, mode, and practitioners of Torah study, this volume focuses upon issues--some theoretical, others pragmatic; some current, others timeless--which concern the practice and implementation of Torah. It opens with an inquiry into whether, and to what extent, Halakhah recognizes the validity and value of an ethic which, in some sense, lies beyond its scope. This is followed by two essays--focused upon events in Israel but of more general significance, as well--which deal with the character--and bounds of Jewish polity. Tangentially related is the subject of the next chapter--straddling the communal and the personal--regarding the parameters of tolerance. The next several chapters treat more purely personal topics--response to suffering, Shabbat prayer, and shemittah. They are followed by discussions of aspects of the sensitive areas of conversion, abortion, and the Israeli chief rabbinate, commingled with two essays, more sociologically oriented, on Jewish self-identification and communal service, and an exchange concerning Baruch Goldstein. These are, in turn, followed by two chapters focused upon modern or centrist Orthodoxy, particularly. The volume concludes with a series of responses to major questions posed in various symposia, in which participants were asked, descriptively and prescriptively, both to evaluate the current Jewish scene and to chart a suggested course for its future direction.