What’s New in This Edition:
Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sixth Edition is still the most comprehensive, authoritative reference available in the field. This monumental two-volume encyclopedia now includes entries on topics ranging from acid rain, air pollution, and community health to environmental law, instrumentation, modeling, alternative energy, radioactive waste, and water treatment.
The broad coverage includes highly specialized topics as well as those that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries, reflecting the interdisciplinary skills and knowledge required by environmental researchers and engineers. Featuring expert contributors representing industry, academia, and government agencies, the encyclopedia presents fundamental concepts and applications in environmental science and engineering. The entries are supported by extensive figures, photographs, tables, and equations.
This sixth edition includes new material on water supplies and wastewater treatment, biomass and renewable energy, and international public health issues. New entries cover environmental and occupational toxicology, geoengineering, and lead abatement. The Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering provides a view of the field that helps readers understand, manage, and respond to threats to the human environment.
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