While learning about ways to bring some fun into the lives of those who are long-term confined to home or hospital, the reader discovers that the book is really about hope, dignity, and love. The underlying theme throughout is that while providing support for your loved one whose health is inescapably diminishing, you must not lose sight of the fact that the patient desperately needs to feel loved, to be considered a whole individual who happens to be sick, and to maintain a sense of still being in control. Methods are discussed for steps that need to be taken as the end of life nears for some. Maintenance of the caregivers health is discussed as well as methods to avoid burnout. The Appendix contains a long list of potential websites for both the caregiver and receiver. Its not a long bookalong the way you will find its a story of the relationship of a sick young woman with those who loved her and wanted to make her shortened life one that was full, filled with love, hope, and meaning. It wont take you long to read the book, but you will feel enriched at its conclusion.