Holmes and Watson are introduced to an impossible crime; a killing by a mythological creature; the dreaded Chimera, part lion, part scorpion, part goat! But even if the death is some sort of sick hoax, it still means a hideous murder has taken place, which Holmes must solve. However dark forces swirl about the case, and an unsuspecting Holmes, besieged by doubts, has yet to contend directly with the most dramatic of those forces: Professor James Moriarty!
A must for any Sherlock Holmes fan's library collection. Described by writer Christopher Sequeira as "Hammer Horror meets Holmes", this take on Holmes has received numerous accolades from many Holmesian followers.
"Sherlock Holmes has long been featured in comic books, but few have the wit, literary style, and attention to detail found on every page of the Dark Detective! Every fan of Sherlock Holmes--whether a comic-book reader or not--will be enthralled by this brilliant series!" - Leslie S. Klinger, editor of The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes and The Annotated Sandman