Longitudinal Research

By Scott W. Menard

Longitudinal Research
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"Since ... writing the first edition of this monograph in 1990, ... the 1990s have seen an increasing focus on more sophisticated approaches to dealing with missing data in both cross-sectional and longitudinal research. Software applicable to longitudinal research has also improved, and more evidence for the rapid pace of change in longitudinal analysis can be found in the dozen or so books written and edited about longitudinal research design and data analysis published in the 1990s and early in the present millennium. The organization of this monograph remains the same as in the first edition. ... There is much less said about the application of traditional methods of analysis to longitudinal data, and more focus on analytical methods specifically designed for longitudinal data, including time series analysis, linear panel analyis, multilevel and latent growth curve modeling, and event history analysis."--Preface.

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