Exemplary Social Intervention Programs for Members and Their Families

By David Guttmann, Marvin B. Sussman

Exemplary Social Intervention Programs for Members and Their Families
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In this uplifting book, a number of organizations and individuals are featured as exemplary prototypes whose experiences are worthy of being disseminated to persons working in the social services. In a coherent and coordinated manner, the organizations presented reveal how their programs function to make a difference. Readers can analyze the details behind these models and utilize them in their own work to make a difference in the lives of whom they serve.

Exemplary Intervention Programs for Members and Their Families reveals to readers that, in many instances, exemplary program developers were risk takers who deviated from traditional modes and practices. Their steadfast belief that they and their organization could improve the workplace and service to the client and society resulted in actions of heroic proportions, even when derided by professional peers. Social services providers to families will be inspired by these featured innovative approaches to making a difference, which include programs, individuals, and organizations:
  • Through the Looking Glass--An organization which provides clinical and supportive services, training, and research involving families where an adult with a disability or medical condition takes responsibility for the care of well-functioning children.
  • Serving Holocaust Survivors and Survivor Families--An intervention program that recognizes that older survivors of the Holocaust express diversity in personality, perception of reality, memory of trauma and loss, and control of stress.
  • Craig Whitman's "Make a Difference Phenomenon"--His empowering story of being an adult developmental home provider for two mentally retarded individuals, who lived semi-independently in a house next door.
  • McKnight Foundation's Families in Poverty (FEP) Initiative--Seven parenting/family stability programs which achieved success by high levels of exchange of information, a resonated agency mission, and behavior characterized by altruism, responsibility, egalitarianism, justice, and honesty.
  • An Israeli Experience of Intervention with Families in Extreme Distress (FED)--A holistic family approach which utilizes a team of dedicated professionals who can deal with the intrafamily power dynamics and the normative demands of organizations and institutions outside the family.
  • The Impact of New Medical Technologies in Human Reproduction--Explores how interventions which plan to make a positive difference in the lives of parents and children may have negative consequences on both.
  • Stepcouples in Stress Inoculation Training (SIT)--An intervention program where therapists can reduce the high stress experienced in stepfamilies.
  • A Pilgrimage by Kris Jeter--Indicates that human service professionals can utilize the pilgrimage process in treatment of emotionally and mentally ill individuals and gain a viable ally in rebuilding the family's structure.

    Efforts to keep up with modifications in values, ideologies, beliefs, institutional policies and practices requires modifications, even cosmetic ones, in service delivery. Social service providers who want to go beyond cosmetic changes and move to a new model of service buttressed by new values, ideologies, myths and practices, are empowered to do so from the experiences spotlighted in Exemplary Intervention Programs for Members and Their Families. Service providers who adopt new paradigms like those featured in this key resource, are able to become the social artists who will "make a difference."

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