Organized by body system, this book covers 27 of the most commonly encountered health problems seen in clinical practice. Each chapter provides a summary of the disease, including definition, epidemiology, pathophysiology, patient presentation (history, symptoms, and examination), differential diagnosis, keys to evaluation, and keys to management.
The application of pathophysiologic principles to the clinical setting is illustrated with representative case studies. Questions designed to promote continual critical thinking are integrated, relating to patient history, physical examination findings, lab and diagnostic studies, therapies, and follow-up care.
- Unit XI, The Immunologic System, which includes new chapters on allergy (26) and HIV disease (27), reviews important principles of immunology and immunologic disease management
- Flowcharts have been added for several diseases including asthma, arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and meningitis to reinforce and clarify pathophysiologic processes
- Suggested answers with rationales to the case study questions will be available on the HHS Web site to instructors who adopt the book, allowing instructors to use the book as course assignments