Contemporary society is diseased. Violent. Corrupt. Many people sleepwalk and wade through life with no purpose. Gun violence continues unabated and unaddressed by our mercenary politicians. Wealth continues to be consolidated by the few - a sociopathic symptom of Capitalism.
Americans suffer from hunger pains of which they know not. A spiritual void pervades society - not a religious one, but a sense of purpose eludes the bulk of our populace. Buy & Consume are momentary reprieves that leave a person feeling empty. Teaching Snapping Turtles is merely a mirror of truth of the insane times we live in. Gun sales increase as tragedies grace the front pages. Unless we immediately change as a people then there will only be more Sandy Hooks. The truth shouldn't always be pretty & polite. Truth can be vulgar. Jonathan Heatt questions everything Americans hold dear: guns, capitalism, religion, sports, violent movies...and highlights the harm these things are having on Humanity. Teaching Snapping Turtles is a big dose of penicillin for the entire country - a vital injection of reason that defies demographics. Everyone should read it.