SOCRATES is an international, multi-lingual, multi-disciplinary refereed and indexed scholarly journal produced as par of the Harvard Dataverse Network. This journal appears quarterly in English, Hindi, Persian in 22 disciplines.
About this Issue
This is the final issue of Socrates Vol. 2. divided into five sections.
The first section of this issue Language & Literature- English contains a Film Analysis that covers Japanese society, Post-WWII.
The second section of this issue Gender and sexuality studies contains a paper that foregrounds the issues of choice and consent for women which can in true terms establish them as ‘free agents’ and destabilize the master-slave hierarchical relation.
The third section of this issue Short Comment Contains a short comment on film version of important German literary work “Die neuen Leiden des jungen W.”
The fourth section of this issue, The New Book contains review of a new book that recollects the “Memories of a Dialysis Patient”
The final section of this issue Children & Maternal Health - Informative Article contains an informative article from the domain of Children & Maternal Health. This paper attempts to show that mobile eHealth services are a perfect companion of the pregnant women in various stages of pregnancy and highlights the necessity to analyse the requirements of the pregnant women and their technological skills as user of the eHealth services arises before deployment of it.