"A strong and vivid story without bitterness, which is an achievement given the circumstances.
I have enjoyed reading books like Caught inside by Daniel Duane, In search of Captain Zero, and Cosmic Banditos by Allan C. Weisbecker, not forgetting Making Mavericks by Frost Hesson and Ian Spiegelman. And I'd say Alex Epicure is up there with them.
I was truly inspired by his debut novel, not least because we share the situation of being single parent fathers. In this new book, a prequel, Alex's language and vivid descriptions make me feel I'm accompanying him to the Dominican Republic and its paradisiacal beaches, not to mention its vibrant people, as if standing next to him. And now I understand why it turned out the way it did.
Recommended reading for anyone who dreams of sun and white sand, but wonders about culture clashes and general kerfuffle."