'Play Is Our Brain's Favorite Way Of Learning!' - Diane Ackerman.
Riddling Riddles For Incredibly Intelligent Kids is a FUN family friendly book that contains 333 riddles, brain teasers and trick questions that vary from 'Easy' to 'Riddles Only The Smartest Kids Can Solve' so we have questions for EVERYONE!
Not only that, these Fun Riddles are PERFECT for Family game nights, dinner time talk, long car journeys, parties and everything in between! It's time to reignite our Children's natural desire to reach their learning potential!
Oh, and to make it even better, several studies have shown that Riddles & Brain Teasers drastically improve Cognitive Brain Function & Lateral Thinking Skills of Young Children.
At Kidsville we know exactly how crucial keeping Children engaged and entertained while learning is which is EXACTLY why we created our Riddles series, to do just that!
And, here is a tiny sliver of what's inside...
And SO Much More!
Even if you or your child has never solved a riddle before or has never even tried these riddles & brain teasers will stimulate your brain, get the creative juices flowing and allow you and your child to sharpen your mind skills with every passing puzzle!
I'll leave you with a few examples before you buy -
What is full of holes but still contains water?
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
What becomes wetter the more it dries?
What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
So, If You Want 100's More Riddles & Brain Teasers Just Like That That Will Create Endless Hours Of Screen Free Family Fun Then Scroll Up And Click "Add To Cart."