Surgical Pathology Dissection

By William H. Westra, Ralph H. Hruban, Timothy H. Phelps, Christina Isacson

Surgical Pathology Dissection
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SURGICAL PATHOLOGY DISSECTION, SECOND EDITION fills the need for a comprehensive, fully illustrated guide to the preparation, dissection, and handling of surgical pathology specimens. The authors share their wealth of talent and experiences by providing general principles that can be employed to resolve even the most complex problems in dissection and tissue sampling. The descriptive text is augmented by 62 exclusive, detailed illustrations printed as full-page plates depicting proper specimen handling techniques that add a unique vitality and multidimensional effect. Each chapter features a section on Important Issues to Address in Your Surgical Pathology Report and references selected for their pertinent coverage of specimen handling for each organ system. Updated and revised, this second edition includes four new chapters and expanded discussions on: - Preparation of Tissues for Molecular Analysis - Craniofacial Bones - Heart - Transplantation Specimens - The Sentinel Lymph Node Revisions have been made to conform to suggested guidelines proposed by the College of Amer Paths. FROM REVIEWS OF 1E: "Hruban, Westra and Isacson, working with a superb medical illustrator did an admirable job in taking the Johns Hopkins' gross room manual and translating it into a practical, concise, and easily accessible guide to contemporary practice in the surgical pathology laboratory." -Modern Path

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