Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson State Historic Site

By Jim McKee

Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson State Historic Site
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Discover the ruins of the colonial port town of Brunswick and the large earthworks of the Civil War's Fort Anderson in this collection of historic photographs.

Established in 1952, Brunswick was once the major port in colonial North Carolina and was partially burned by British troops twice during the American Revolution. During the American Civil War, Fort Anderson was constructed atop some of the ruins of the town and served as part of the Cape Fear River defenses below Wilmington. Today, visitors to the site can see the archaeological ruins of the foundations of the colonial buildings that once stood as a port town, along with the shell of St. Philip's Anglican Church. The site still conducts archaeological excavations each spring. Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson State Historic Site is administered by the Division of State Historic Sites in the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

Jim McKee has been an interpreter at Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson Historic Site for over 10 years. His research has greatly added to the academic and archaeological knowledge of this fascinating historic site.

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