Ethical Reasoning for Mental Health Professionals

By Gary G. Ford

Ethical Reasoning for Mental Health Professionals
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"I would really recommend this as an excellent class text and desk reference. I would describe this as a very comprehensive, up to date text on ethics that includes most mental health professionals. This was very thorough and well written....the inclusion of case examples throughout the chapters really brought home the points that the author was trying to make. The author was very skilled at going into depth while covering the ethical dimensions and did not merely provide superficial discussion." -- Kathleen M. Salyers, The University of Toledo -- Kathleen M. Salyers,

Ethical Reasoning for Mental Health Professionals addresses a fundamental need of ethics training in psychology and counseling: the development of reasoning skills to resolve the complex professional ethical issues that arise. Author Gary G. Ford provides readers with a background in ethical reasoning and introduces them to an easy-to-follow eight step model of ethical decision making. Key Features:

  • Covers philosophical models of ethical reasoning: Readers are provided with the needed background for understanding sources of ethical duties and the metaethical justification underlying the ethical code of their profession.
  • Addresses APA and ACA ethics codes: A greater understanding between the professions of psychology and counseling is illustrated by covering current versions of ethical codes for both fields (APA, 2002 & ACA, 2005). Recommendations are given for those who wish to pursue certification, degree, or licensure in the other field.
  • Exemplifies ethical dilemmas and ethical responses: Treats the issue of ethical dilemmas, in which two or more ethical duties actually conflict. Other texts present issues one at a time, supplemented by case examples involving 'right' and 'wrong' answers, leaving professionals ill-equipped to apply ethical principles to novel circumstances, particularly where multiple ethical duties conflict.
  • Reflects the complexity of real-life situations: Numerous thought-provoking case examples help students apply ethical principles to novel professional circumstances. In-depth coverage of ethical concerns in assessment, therapy, industrial/organizational, teaching, research, and forensic activities is provided, as well as in emerging areas such as e-therapy and Internet research.
  • Addresses multicultural concerns: The ubiquitous nature of cultural influences in our lives and professional activities is demonstrated. Readers are guided to identify cultural biases in their own life and the ethical principles and practices of the mental health professions.

Intended Audience: This text is perfect for students studying ethical issues in psychology and counseling, as well as a great resource for clinical/counseling psychologists, psychotherapists, and practitioners.

This text is perfect for students studying ethical issues in psychology and counseling, as well as a great resource for clinical/counseling psychologists, psychotherapists, and practitioners.

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