Embark on The Goddess Path and discover your Divine Feminine
Taking you on a personal and spiritual deep dive, this book will lead you on a powerful journey to uncover all that keeps you from living your most authentic, purposeful life. By walking Kirsty’s tried and tested Goddess Path you'll learn how to reclaim your self-worth, establish boundaries, cultivate your intuition, step into your feminine power, and uncover who you truly are.
The Goddess Path features:
- 13 easy-to-follow steps, filled with ancient Goddess wisdom across different cultures and countries, to help you discover your Divine Feminine and reclaim the Goddess
- Detailed introductions and guides to all the goddess archetypes
- Effective self-love and shadow work practices to help you heal your witch and sister wound, befriend your shadows, and embrace all your seasons and cycles
- Practical rituals and affirmations to activate the goddess within