Dogged Out For Love

By Shirley Wright

Dogged Out For Love
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Love is something everybody needs and doesn’t know what it really means without knowing the love of God. For in Him only is there real love. And we can’t even begin to understand or fathom what love really means without Him. We look for it in all the wrong places. But we will never find it there. It’s not in mankind; it’s not in anything in this world the way we perceive it. Until we realize that it only comes from God, we will only find hurt and pain and misery. Believe me, I know, there are lots of Christians still looking for love in the wrong places. It’s sad to say. And we are being destroyed and don’t understand why. So, we think God has let us down and we blame Him for our depression, hurt, and pain. We wonder why the Lord doesn’t help us. But what we don’t realize is that God is helping us, even though we don’t know it. You see, the devil is fooling us. He is taking our focus off Jesus and putting it on people and things, so we can’t be all that God has for us to be. The failure is not in God, it’s in us. You may say, “I gave him or her all the love I had and he or she betrayed me. How could they do me like that?” But what we fail to realize is that God is our first love and we must receive His love and give Him our love first. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy.” And that is what he has been doing. But you don’t have to let him get away with it. Jesus came that we might have life and more abundantly. Otherwise, Jesus is life in every area of our lives if we let him. We need to ask Him to lead and guide us in all things. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “trust in the Lord with all thine heart, lean not unto thine own understanding, in all they ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.” So the failure is not in God, it’s in us for not seeking God’s help. Believe me, I know; been there, done that. I gave all I had to give to the wrong men, yes, men. I say men because I kept trying to please them so they would love me. But it didn’t work. They betrayed me, jumped on me, and stepped on me like a floor mat that said “Welcome.” I know how it feels to be dogged out for love, or so-called love. It sucks! As we receive God’s love, then and only then will we know what love is really about. It’s not a fancy or fairy tale. God’s love is divine. He is not looking at your faults; He is looking at your needs. Man’s love, so-called love, that is, is cold, taking, and not wanting to give. They lie, they cheat, they take away our pride and self-esteem, they pull us down, and then they have the nerve to tell us it’s our fault that they treat us the way they do. The devil is a liar. The devil wants us to believe that we have to take all kinds of abuse; that is just the way it is. But the devil is a liar. We don’t need that kind of man, because you see, he’s not a real man anyway. He’s just something wearing a pair of pants. Remember, we can make it just us and God. God will bring us through. But we must learn to trust Him. I have been through hell and high waters. I’ve been a floor mat, a punching bag. I’ve been stressed out; I have even tried to take my life a few times when I was younger. But I thank God that He said, “You shall live and not die.” Satan was trying to take me out to stop me. Now I know what it is to be dogged out and kicked to the curb. I know how it feels to be turned inside out, not knowing if you are coming or going, not knowing what to do next. For some so-called love. As far as I am concerned, they can keep it. I don’t need it and neither do you. Why take less when we can have the best? God did not make woman to be a man’s floor mat. He made us to be his helpmate. But we can’t help someone if they don’t want to take it.

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