Jimmy Carter, the Liberal Left and World Chaos

By Mike Evans

Jimmy Carter, the Liberal Left and World Chaos
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Can we have peace in the Holy Land? Is there a plan that will work?

What if that plan included dividing Jerusalem and was embraced by our new president?

What if that plan is seen as surrender and weakness, and emboldens radical Islam?

If Jimmy Carter and his Liberal Left friends succeed by sacrificing America's strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel, to appease Arab rage, it will, in fact, make Jerusalem the center of gravity of the war on terror while unifying radical Islam. The results will be catastrophic for the United States, for Israel and for the world, and will leave no doubt that the Liberal Left will do everything in its power to achieve its objectives.

Former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing said of Jimmy Carter: "He [Carter] was a bastard of conscience, a moralist, who treats with total lightness the fact of abandoning a man [the Shah] that we had supported together."

Former Empress of Iran Farah Pahlavi wrote: "During the whole of his campaign, Jimmy Carter had proclaimed the theme of human rights, the freedom of the people, which in reality has to be treated with caution, taking the economic and cultural context of each country into account. The Iranian opposition saw an ally in Carter for future struggles]]"

Jimmy Carter: The Liberal Left and World Chaos connects the dots and helps you understand how we have come to this crisis, and more importantly, how it can be resolved. This book contains information that has never been revealed by diplomatic sources worldwide. It divulges the agenda of Jimmy Carter and the Liberal Left: they plan to sell America and the Bible Land to the highest bidder.

Why does the life and presidency of JimmyCarter matter in the twenty-first century? Philosopher George Santayana said, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." The United States paid an exceedingly high price for the years Carter practiced being presidential. It is still not too late to learn from the Carter W