Ancient and Medieval Colour Mindmap (Arora IAS)( Quick Revision) ( Faster Recall) for IAS/State PCS/ NET-JRF/College/School Exam

By Nitin Arora

Ancient and Medieval Colour Mindmap (Arora IAS)( Quick Revision) ( Faster Recall) for IAS/State PCS/ NET-JRF/College/School Exam
Available for 1.62 USD


Topics Page No.

Ancient History

Ancient History Sources 1

History Divisions 2

Stone Age 3-11

Chalcolithic Age 12-15

Indus Valley Civilization 16-27

Vedic Period 28-35

Buddhism 36-45

Jainism 46-59

Mahajanapadas and Magadha Empire 60-66

Foreign Invasion 67-70

Maurya Empire 71-86

Post Mauryan Dynasties 87-94

Gupta Empire 95-105

Pushyabhuti Dynasty 106-109

Chalukya Dynasty 110-112

Pallavas 113-116

Cholas 117-123

Rashtrakutas 124-126

Regional Dynasties 127-132

Sangam Age 133-136

Medieval History

Early Medieval Times 137-144

Invasion In India 145-147

Delhi Sultanate 148-160

The Vijayanagar Empire 161-165

Bahmani Empire 166-168

Bhakti Movement 169-177

Sufism 178-185

The Mughal Empire 186-211

Popular Revolts and Movements 212-214

The Maratha Empire 215-220


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