Few predicted the ascendancy of Donald Trump to the US presidency, a development with a huge impact on international relations, trade, environmental policy, and the very possibility of liberal democracy itself. Those of us committed to democratic values, truth, and human rights, feel compelled to resist. And yet the fight against Trump is hardly a united front.
In this collection of essays, Jeffrey C. Isaac argues that the threat posed to liberal democracy by illiberal forces today, from Trump and his authoritarian counterparts in France, Hungary, Poland, and Turkey, warrants a strong democratic response, centered on both defending and extending the core commitments of liberal democracy. Isaac articulates a politics that bridges the gap between liberalism and leftism, pointing the way toward more productive disagreements and more meaningful, effective alliances.
To acknowledge the challenges of globalization, to confront fear of the foreign and the foreigner, and to defend truth and the deep meaning of words: that is to be for liberal democracy and #AgainstTrump.
Published with Public Seminar. Public Seminar is an online publishing project of The New School. PS publishes articles that provide useful, constructive, illuminating or thought-provoking contributions to the conversation of the times. Using the broad resources of social research, PS seeks to provoke critical and informed discussion by any means necessary in order to confront the fundamental problems of the human condition and pressing problems of the day.
Jeffrey C. Isaac is James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science at Indiana University, Bloomington. He is the author of many books, including Arendt, Camus, and Modern Rebellion, Democracy in Dark Times, and The Poverty of Progressivism, and is a Contributing Editor at Dissent and Public Seminar.